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I opened the door to the jaspar house and instantly winced as I heard yelling come from the kitchen.

"Joe! You aren't going if shes going to be there! I told you this before, shes a skank thats trying to get you into her bed!" Rachel's shrill voice filled my ears.

"Shes my best friend, Rachel! I don't care what you say, I'm going to hang out with he- Where the hell are you going?!" Joe yelled back, following the brunette out of the kitchen and into the hallway as she walked out the door, Slamming it behind her.

I stared at the ground. They were talking about me, so I avoided his gaze and prayed he didnt see me as i wiped a tear out of my eyes.

"I guess that fight was about me."

"(Y/n), Don't listen to her, Please. Shes... Shes just mad at how close we are." He comforted me, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his chest.

I closed my eyes and took in his familiar smell and relaxed in his arms. Now or never, I guess.

"Joe, I love you." I mumbled against his chest, not wanting to look him in the eyes as I stated a confession I had held in for years now.

"I love you too." He replied, and at first, for the slightest moment i was in shock, he loved me too? But something about the way he said it, it was too casual. Then it hit me, Joe thought I meant as a friend.

"N-no... Joe, I'm IN love with you." I pulled away from the hug and stared at the ground, once again.

Silence filled the air as he registered what I meant. It was the first time that I had ever felt uncomfortable and awkward around him in all the time that I had known him.


I looked up at him and I noticed that he was staring at the floor.

"(Y/n).... I love you... But I love Rachel... An-"

"No, No, I get it, lets, please, just forget I said anything. Please." I mumbled as I wiped a tear off my cheek and forced a fake smile to be plastered on my lips.

"Alright..." Joe trailed off, watching me closely.

Joe and I recorded a few challenge videos with the guys and then we all went our separate ways. The boys went to Nandos, Joe went to go pick up Rachel and I went home.

I turned my PC off and put my phone on silent so I could ignore the texts and messages from the others, i couldn't face the idea of people asking if I was alright. I sat on my couch and hugged a pillow to my chest. After a few moments I just broke down.

I screamed into the pillow and cried. It hurt, God-fucking-damn, It hurt so fucking much. He chose her. Over me. I knew that she made him smile, and I wanted to be happy for him, because his smile was the most important thing in the world to me, even if I wasn't the reason behind it.

"He'll still talk to me.... Right?" I thought outloud, I could practically hear whatever pieces of my heart had managed to hold on to breaking at the though of him never speaking to me again.

Never hearing his laugh or seeing the way his eyes sparkle. I rolled onto the floor as the many different ways he could leave me more broken than he already had flowed into my brain.

A knock at the door ripped me out of my thoughts as I blew my nose and walked to the door, Not actually wanting to open it for whoever was on the other side.

I unlocked the door, pulled it open and stepped back just as a tall, soaking wet Joseph pushed the door out of his way and pulled me into his arms.

"I love you more." He whispered just before his lips met mine.

BY: completesidementrash on tumblr

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