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Just thumping in Joe's ears, his heart racing as fast as it can without breaking his ribcage. The paramedics sound like they're trying to talk to him while he's underwater. They need to know what happened but Joe can't bring himself to tell them. He can't tell them anything because there's so much blood. It's over his hands and covering his hoodie and shirt and jeans and shoes. And there's just so much blood. He remembers in his biology class, learning that there's about five liters of blood in the human body but he didn't really comprehend how much blood that was. That's a lot of blood and there's still more coming.

How does a body have so much blood?

Joe was allowed in the ambulance since he was the only one there with you. He needed a ride and he couldn't leave you. How was he supposed to do? This could have been prevented this and he needed to never leave your side now.

"Y-you can't let them die." Joe whispers, holding your blood-soaked hand in his as the paramedics held the bag mask to your face, pumping air every second.

"We're going to try everything we can." The paramedic reassures but Joe barely hears him.

Joe just softly repeats the phrase, pleading them to help you and not to let you die. You can't die and they're trying. They are really trying their best efforts to keep you hanging on. There's just so much blood and it just keeps coming.

Once at the hospital, Joe is forced to let go of your hand and he tries following the paramedics and doctors that met at the emergency room doors to a room but he was quickly stopped by a nurse. He ran right into her, paying no attention to anything or anyone besides you.

"I'm sorry but you can't go in there." The nurse says as Joe tries to move past her. She grabs his arms softly to stop him. "You need to be out. here and let them work. They're going to try everything they can."

"I-I need...I need to be in there." Joe says with a quivering jaw. "Th-they can't. I-I tried and the-their dad and...this can't be..." Joe's sentences are broken and stammered as his thoughts jumble in his head.

He should have been able to stop this. You two were just walking back to Joe's apartment and then a car just came out of nowhere. Joe can sense when there's forms of dangers but somehow, somehow he missed this. The one fucking time you needed him, he missed it. He wasn't fast enough and the car just hit you. One second you were walking in front of him and he was promising he was going to love you forever and the next you were being thrown over the hood of a car and onto the street.

Joe ran to you and begged for passers-by to call an ambulance, to do something, anything. He cradled you in his lap, his hand caressing your cheek, begging you to be okay. Your jeans were burned to your legs from the grill of the car and a gash split your head open, deep enough for Joe to be able to see white. Glass from the windshield penetrated your abdomen from the impact. Your eyes were closed but your chest was moving up and down. It was labored but moving and all he could do was hope to everything that you'd be okay. Help would get to you soon. That maybe you wouldn't bleed out in his arms.

Now all Joe could do was stare into the window, watching one of the doctors start compressions. You were so frail, limp like a rag doll with every compression. It was like a scene out of a medical drama right when they'd start playing Chasing Cars or How To Save A Life. But, this wasn't a medical drama. It was real and real doctors do extraordinary things to save patients, young patients who have barely begun their lives.

Tears trickled down Joe's face just as the doctor stopped compressions. He looks around the room, looked at Joe, then looked up, presumably to a clock, and back around the room. Joe didn't need to hear what anyone in that room was saying because he knew. He knew those faces. He'd seen that look before.

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