Late Night Convo

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I lay facing the wall. In front of me flashed a small alarm clock, the numbers 02:21 screaming out in red. Everything was dark, and kind of cold, and late nights always make me uncomfortable when I'm alone.

Next to me lay Joe, my best friend since I was about three years old. I had joined him last minute on the sidemen's holiday to Vegas, and the short notice meant I had ended up sharing a hotel room - and a bed - with him. This wasn't weird for us. I mean we'd been doing this since we were about three years old.

I turned over to face him, hoping with some magic he'd open his eyes and I wouldn't be alone anymore. But he seemed pretty knocked out.

I carried on observing his facial features. He really was very attractive, I've always said this. I really don't understand how he doesn't have a girlfriend by now. I think it's a confidence thing, mainly. But something clearly holds him back.

I'm too deep in thought to notice that Joe, in this time, has woken up, and is staring back at me.

'You been staring at me all night (Y/N)?'

I jumped at the rough, fatigued sound of his voice among the darkness. Instantly I felt kind of reassured.

'I was just thinking.' I turned onto my back, focusing my attention on the eggshell white ceiling. I felt Joe shift next to me.

'Oh yeah?' He propped himself up onto his elbow to look at me. 'About what?'

A smile spread across my face at the interest he took. That was one thing I loved about Joe. He always showed genuine interest, no matter what i was talking about. It's like he always had a desire to know what was on my mind.

"Oh nothing," I responded. "Just about how ugly you are."

He pushed me playfully.

"You're a liar." He retaliated.

"You're delusional."

"You like it."

I smiled, turning to face him briefly.

"What makes you so confident Minter?"

He made direct eye contact for a couple of seconds.

"Well, you're in my bed aren't you?"

I laughed, ordering him to shut up and raising my hand to hit his face lightly. He caught my hand in mid air, however, and just held onto it. There was a silence for a minute. Comfortable, not awkward. The only sound audible was that of our thoughts racing. Mine repeatedly screaming of how appreciative I was to have somebody like Joe in my life.

"So at which point do you explain why we're still awake, (Y/N)?"

His hand still grasped mine lightly. Hesitantly.

"I don't actually know. I couldn't sleep, but I didn't think you would wake up."

"Well it's hard not to when you're watching me sleep like a little weirdo," He emphasised the little, digging at the height difference evident even whilst lying in a bed. "Nah but on a real. I know you have a lot of trouble sleeping. I was expecting it."

"You remembered?" I asked, bravely lacing my fingers through his in a move that wasn't rejected, but was instead reciprocated.

"Of course. Remember when we were in college, and you used to make me stay up with you until you fell asleep because you were afraid to be the last one awake?" I smiled at his recount of the memories so distantly lived. "Even when we were young. When your Mum would be working nights, so you stayed round mine, and we would watch horror movies. And then you would crawl into my sleeping bag at midnight because you were scared."

"I remember that," I grinned to myself in the darkness. "And then your Mum would wake us up the next morning and call us the little married couple."

"Not a lot has changed, really." We both laughed, continuing to exchange childhood memories. Eventually my eyelids began to droop. I glanced over at the clock, noticing the room's pigment seemed to have lightened slightly.

"Oh my gosh it's quarter to five."

"Yep, and we have a busy day tomorrow too."

"Oh god. Okay, we're sleeping now. We have to." I looked up at Joe.

"Yeah, we do. Come on."

He lay on his back. My hand fell from his, however he soon replaced this loss by pulling me into him. I wrapped an arm around his torso, resting my face on his collarbone. The smell of his cologne engulfed me. It was homely, encouraging and reassuring in the darkness. He placed his arm around my shoulders. With his free arm he laced his hand through mine, his thumb rubbing slowly in circles over mine, instantly putting a smile of appreciation on my face.

"Good night Joe."

"Good night (Y/N)."

BY: calcumshot on tumblr

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