Chapter 11 - bandages and bruises

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I carefully look at Niall. He is sitting in my brother's chair and my brother is sitting in mine. but something more important is my reaction. His face is bruised all over like he was in an unmerciful fight. He has a cast on his  left arm and leg. His head is wrapped with what looks like gauze. I can barely stand to look at him, yet he looks happy. Like nothing bad has happened to him. Sitting next to him is my father. He looks so happy to be discussing football with Niall and my brother David.

"Hey Niall. How are you" I ask sympathetically.

"I could be better but hey my doctor says in a month i can start light training up again. and by fall I can be ready for the new football season." he says. I notice the smile on my dad's face get wider.

"We really could have used you this year but i'm so glad you are willing to play next year. We will have a great player to replace Kyle. Even though is unreplacable. And even David will hopefully make the team." My dad says

"Hopefully" David responds with a surprised look while Niall snickers.

"Yeah hopefully if your alot better than you are now" my dad says.

"I'll help you" Niall quietlly offers.

"Perfect" My dad looks over to David "and of course when ever I have time i'll help out too.

"Can we start now" David says.

"sure" my dad says excitedly.

I watch as they leave before sitting in the chair my brother had been sitting in previously. Niall places his hand on my knee.

"I hear you saved my life" he says a twinkle in his eyes.

"Yes and it was bloody horrible. The Nurse had to find the vain and then my arm was so numb i couldn't move it" I respond.

"that must have been horrible. I'm so sorry" he says drawing circles on my knee.

I look up to see if he was being sarcastic but he was geniunly worried about me.

"Niall I never got the full story on what happened to you" I say looking up at him.

"A drunk driver hit me while I was on my way to the mall" he says looking down.

"And" I respond

"He hit my side and drove off. Never taking responsibility." he says quietly. " I layed there for so long waiting for someone to get me but it never happened until an old lady drove by she called the ambulance and waited with me. Giving me kind and reassuring words the whole time"

"so that's why you lost so much blood" I respond.

"Yeah" he says.

I look down. I want to cry but not in front of Niall. This didn't happen to me, it happened to him and he still seems happy.

"There's more news" he says looking up at me.

"What" I say a little too enthusiastically.

"Well my foster mother wants me to go on a search for my real parents" he says

"oh my god Niall that's huge" I scream giving him hug.

 "Well I would love for my girlfriend to go on the journey with me" he says.

"Oh yeah i'm sure she would love that" I say looking down. I didn't realize through all the flirting he had a girlfriend.

"Well she's not my girlfriend yet" he says.

I look up and see him getting on one knee.

" Paige" he begins

Suddenly my brother runs down the stairs with one cleat " have you seen my" he stops when he sees us. " Whoa you're not proposing are you" he asks.

Niall continues. " Paige will you be my girlfriend"?


and there there you go people !!!!! This story will be ending in a couple chapters :( but i'm starting a new Harry one :) haha anyway comment what you think and vote!!! Also check out the trailer

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