Chapter 10

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I watched Ren go sadly, as if I was praying with him for the last time. Unfortunately, I knew I wouldn't be that lucky. Kylo Ren was destined to be a thorn in my side. The worst part was that there was nothing I could do about it. I couldn't kill him. He was my friend, no matter how long ago and insignificant it had seemed to him. He had gotten me out of tight spots, and I had done the same for him. I had been almost half his age at the Academy, but I hadn't thought it had mattered to him. He was like a brother to me, a bigger, peskier, bossier older brother to protect and watch over me. And that's exactly what he had done. 

I stares long and hard at the wall, my thoughts still buzzing in my head. There wasn't enough to think about and too much all at once. There was only one thing I needed to figure out, and yet I was stumped. There was no way I could get out of here alive with Poe. No way. I could escape myself in be blink of an eye. It wouldn't be hard to charm whatever stormtroopers Ren had posted outside my door, but finding Poe and getting him out alive would be much more difficult. 

Unfortunately, the door wouldn't budge. Instead I simply knocked politely, hoping someone weakminded would open it up. I was right. A stormtroopers had been posted outside my door. He opened it up cautiously, his gun raised. 

"Do the chicken dance" I ordered, waving my hand slightly. I needed to see if I could still dominate the mind of others. It worked. The stormtroopers did just that. Trying to hide my snickers, I tried again in a more serious note. "You will put your gun to my back," I continued cautiously. "No shooting it." He obliged yet again. "Now walk me to where the other Resistance captive is being kept," I ordered.

The troop obeyed mindlessly, leading me past a ship filled hangar. I motioned for him to stop as I peeked in, admiring the ships, looking for one unsecured that we could steal. That was until I ran into another stormtrooper escorting Poe down the hallway. 

I watched silently as they moved past us, the troops nodding politely at each other. Seconds later, I was on the man's back, pulling him into a chokehold. 

"Relax, Kiddo," Poe cried automatically, prying me off of my prize. "He's with us." He turned to the stormtrooper, who was massaging his neck. "This is the girl I said we needed to get," Poe explained shortly. The trooper nodded quickly. I turned back to mine.

 "You are released," I said softly, sad to see my personal servant go. One could get used to giving orders and watch another mindlessly follow them. Then I stopped myself short. That was the First Order. Act first, ask questions later. "Go back to your station." I ordered. "When Ren finds out what happens, tell him I used my mind trick on you. Tell him I say that he's not nearly as strong as he appears to be." The stormtrooper nodded curtly before marching off. 

"Escape plan anyone?" I asked quietly.

Poe nodded, leading the way. I followed in suit, praying for a way out.

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