The Birthday Party

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Tonya awoken and started to stretch she got out of bed and walked to the window to look out. Today was Jason and Jr.'s birthday today, August 11, 2015. It was bright and sunny outside she walked out of the bedroom and went in the bathroom to take a shower. Demarr was still asleep, and her mother was bringing the kids home today for their party. Tonya and Demarr had to get everything ready before they arrived. She got out of the shower, wrapped herself in her towel, and started brushing her teeth. The phone started ringing, and Demarr woke up and picked up the phone. "Hello," said Demarr. "What up, boy?" Troy replied. "I was calling to see if y'all needed help with getting my nephews party together." "Yea, we can use the help," Demarr said. "Okay, cool, I'm fina run to the store to pick up they gifts do you want me to pick up their cake and ice cream?" Troy asked. "Sure," Demarr responded. "That would be good." "Okay well ima be there when we leave the store."Okay, see ya soon." Demarr hangs up the phone. He gets out of bed and throws on his pajama pants and shirt he walks out of the room and heads down the stairs. Tonya comes out of the bathroom and goes into the room to get dressed. Ding dong the doorbell rings. Demarr goes to the door and looks out the window he sees Titus standing on the porch. Titus was demarr oldest brother they had the same mother and father. And he opens the door. "What up bro" said Demarr. "What up?" Titus replied and walked in. Demarr closed the door and locked it. "You know I had to come help out with my nephews party, my babies getting big," Titus said. "True, you never miss a birthday, and they sure are," Demarr replied. "Where's my nieces and nephews?" he asked Titus. "They coming with Brenda," he answers. "Aw, okay," Titus went into the living room to sit down. And Demarr went in the kitchen. Tonya came downstairs and walked into the living room . "What up, Titus?" she said. He got up from the couch and gave her a hug. "What up, sis, how's everything going?" He asked her. "Everything great , Did your brother tell you about his promotion at work?"No, he didn't," he answers. "He an associate now."That's great congrats bro" he told Demarr. Tonya and Titus went in the kitchen, and she started making coffee. "Thanks bro" said Demarr as he walked out of the kitchen. Meanwhile, Troy had just finished picking up the cake and ice cream. He was going to meet Shae at Tonya's house. Back at the house, the doorbell rang again. Tonya went to see who it was. She opened the door, and it was Shae,Dana, and Curtis standing on the porch holding bags. "Hey," said Tonya. "Hey," they all replied. They walk in. "Where should we sit their gifts?" said Shae. "Just sit them over there on the table by the wall," Tonya replied while pointing at the table. They walked over and sat the gifts down. As Tonya closed the door, Troy was pulling up in the drive way.He He got out and walked toward the house carrying bags. He handed the bags to Tonya. " I have to go get the cake and ice cream out of the car. I picked it up for y'all," said Troy. "Oh, that's great, thank you," Tonya replied. "No problem," said Troy as he walked off the porch back to the car. He went to the car to get the cake and ice cream and came back to the house and went in. "You can just take it in the kitchen. Demarr will put it up, and thanks again."We came to help out," said Dana. "Okay cool momma bringing them at three, so let me drink my coffee, and then we can get started." Demarr walked in the kitchen to put up the cake and ice cream, then walked back in the front and headed toward Tonya. "What up y'all?" "What up," they all replied. He turns to Tonya ."Babe, I'm fina go get in the shower then I'll be back down to help start decorating."Okay, baby," she said and gave him a kiss. He walked out of the living room and headed upstairs. "Let me drink this coffee so I can be focus". "Anyone wants coffee?" She asked. "I'll take a cup," Shae answers. "I'm cool,"Dana replied. Titus walked in the front with the guys, and they sat on the couch and started chatting and catching up. The girls went in the kitchen. "Man, I can't believe my babies fina be six it feels like just yesterday they were babies," said Tonya. "I know, right?" Dana replied. "I love my godbabies, I remember when I was holding your hand with both them, me and Demarr," Shae replied as well. They all laugh and sign. Demarr comes down the stairs with the decorations, well some of them, because they were waiting for the rest to be delivered from party ideas. "Man, y'all ready?" he asked. "Today is the big day, my big boys' birthday they are growing so fast."Yes, too fast," replied Troy. The guys got up and started getting things ready to decorate. And the women walked into the living room to help. "Ima start getting the gift table set," said Tonya. "Well ima start blowing up the balloons," said Dana. "I'll help with the balloons," Shae said as she grabbed the balloons out of the bag. While they were all decorating and blowing up balloons, the phone rang. Tonya grabs the phone off the hook. "Hello. Hello, this is Ryan from party ideas, I was trying to see if we could deliver your Star Wars party package early, like around eleven thirty"? "Sure," Tonya replied. "That's even better."Okay, great, so I'm just gonna go over the checklist with you."Okay," said Tonya. "So you have the star wars package that consist of the the bouncey house, dark and white vadar actor's, balloons, cups, plates, spoons, posters, swords, pinata, stick, blind fold, assorted candies, the ribbons and banners, and, the party hats". "Yes, that all sounds about right," she replied. "Great, well, I'll see you at eleven thirty, and thank you for choosing party ideas."You welcome and thank you." She hung up the phone and walked over to Demarr. "Babe, that was Ryan he was calling to see if it was okay to deliver the party stuff early at eleven thirty. i told him it was fine."Okay, love," he replied. "Well, everything in here is done for now, im fina go out back and set up the grill." "Okay hun" she said. He walked off, and Shae walked toward Tonya. "Are you decorating the front outside, too?" "Yea, but i gotta wait for Ryan to deliver the rest of the decorations." Tonya called her mother to tell the boys happy birthday. "Hello, momma." "hey sweety we will be leaving out at two."Okay, put the boys on the phone so i can tell them happy birthday."They are eating breakfast. ima put it on speaker."Say hi to your mother's kids," said Carol. "Hi, Mommy," they all say. "Hey babies, happy birthday, Jr. and Jason."Thank you mommy". "Happy birthday!" yelled Shae and Dana. "Thank you," they replied. "Hey, momma," said Shae. "Hey hun, how you been?"I been good, and you momma"? "Im great."Hey Carol," said Dana. "Hey Dana, how have you been?"I been great."That's good."Where's dad?" Tonya asked her mother. "He in the shower." "Tell dad hey for me please." "Okay hun ima fina finish getting the kids things together."Okay, momma, we fina finish decorating and getting everything done."Okay, well, see you soon," said Carol, and they hung up the phone. "Man, im hungry," said Tonya. "Let's get some from Mcdonalds real quick." Tonya walks to the back. "Babe!" She yells, and Demarr turns around. "Yes, babe," he answers. "We fina go to mcdonalds real quick. Did you guys want anything while we're out?" As she walks toward him. "Yea, just get me whatever you get with a large ice tea extra sugar."Okay, babe," Titus walks to Tonya. "Can you get me a large orange juice? i had breakfast before i came."Okay, got ya," said Tonya. He took out his wallet and gave her a five dollar bill. "I'll be right back then." Troy and Curtis walked into the house to tell their wives what they wanted. Tonya went back into the house and went upstairs to grab her purse and car keys and to put on her shoes. Then she went back down stairs and they left out. After Demarr got done setting up the grill him and Titus walked back into the house to wash they hands. Curtis and Troy were sitting on the couch chatting. Meanwhile, Tonya pulled up in the drive thru. "Welcome to mcdonalds. How may i take your order?" The lady on the intercom asks. "Hello," said Tonya. "We have three separate orders. "Okay, may i have the first one?" For the first order, I'll have two big breakfasts with hot cakes, a large ice tea with extra sugar, and two large orange juices that will be all for the first order. " "What will be the second order?"I'll have two sausage mcgriddle meals both with large orange juices," said Shae really loud so that the lady could hear her."Will that be all?"That's all."Okay, and the last order will be." Tonya pulled up some so that Dana could give the lady her order. "I'll have two sausage burrito meals, with a large spirit no ice, a bacon,egg and cheese sandwich, with a large apple juice, and that's all, thank you."Okay," said the lady as she repeated the order and gave them their total. "Pull up to the first window please". Tonya pulled up, and the lady opened the window. The lady gave them their totals again. Shae and Dana gave Tanya their money. Tonya handed the money to the lady at the window. "Heres your receipt, and thank you, and have a nice day pull up to the next window please". She closes the window, and Tonya pulls up again. After waiting 3 minutes, the man gave them their food and drinks, and Tonya drove off.

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