The Birthday Party (CONT.)

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Tonya and her girls finally arrive back to the house. She park in the driveway and they got out and went into the house. "Yes you back" said demarr as he got up. "I'm starving" he walks in the kitchen. "I bet" said tonya as she took the food out the bags. They all sat down in the kitchen to eat breakfast. Meanwhile tonya's dad was putting all the kids belongings in the car. The children were playing out in the back yard with their granny. She was pushing them on the swings. "Go faster granny go faster" said jr. "Are you sure sweety" she asked him. "Yes" he replied. And she started pushing him higher. Back at tonya and demarr's house they had just got finish eating and cleaning up their mess. Then the door bell rung demarr went to answer the door and he opens it. "May i help you sir" "Yes i'm ryan from party ideas delivering you star wars package". "Oh yes come in", "I just need a signature right here" he said as he walk in the house. "Okay" said demarr as he sign. Then ryan walked out the door to the truck to get the decorations and his helper for today out the car. They were both going to dress in the dark and white vader costumes for the party. As they started bring everything inside demarr, tonya and, the rest of the crew started to finish decorating after ryan and his helper dylan by the way is brothers and are running a family company went out back to blow up the bouncy house. Demarr, troy, titus, and curtis all went out back to start decorating and the girls went out front to decorate. Meanwhile out back the guys were all conversating "This is a gorgeous family house" said ryan. "Thank you" demarr replied. "So how old are your boys turning today" said dylan. "Six" titus cuts in the conversation. "and you are"? ask dylan. "I'm the proud uncle yes i am" he answered. once they were done in the backyard and tonya and them were done in the front they all went in the house. "well we best be going" said ryan "we'll be back at 3:30" him and dylan walk to the front door and demarr follow so that he can lock the door. "alright see yall soon". They left and demarr went back in the living room with everyone else and sat down. "Yes we're all done" blurred shae. " I know Right we did it as a team like always" said tonya. " Im fina leave you guys to be cause i gotta get ready for my children big day shae and dana ya'll welcome to join me upstairs and keep me company if y'all want" "Sure" they said and they all went up stairs. "Man i tell you, you can't keep them apart for nun" titus said. "Man tell me about it" said curtis as they all started laughing. Back at carols house she had just got done bathing and dressing the kids and herself her husband came downstairs from getting dress and went in the living room were they where. "Honey i'll be right back im fina go to the shop real quick" said jimmy tonya's dad he owned his own car shop in Long Beach California were they lived an hour and nine minutes from tonya in North ridge Los Angeles California. "Okay sweety" she replied. he walk out the door and carol put a movie in for the kids until it was time to go. Back at tonya's house everything was done and together, everyone was ready and the door bell rung, "I'll get it "said shae and she went to the door and open it . "Hey girl" said brenda. "What up girl" shae replied. "hey te-te babies" said shae as she let them all in the house. They all said their hellos and gave each other a hug . "I'm fina go start the music and start up this grill before guess arrive"said demarr to tonya. "Okay babe i'll be back there in a minute". ding dong tonya goes to the door and its timothy, jason friend and his mother. "Mrs. tyson how are you today"tonya ask? "Hey Mrs. brown i'm doing good just hate i have to work today" she answers. " "True well timothy is in good hands with me i'll make sure he's on his best behavior and enjoy the party". "Oh i know he is, here's jason and jr's gifts i'm fina head out and thanks again for inviting us". "No problem hun be safe and don't work to hard" tonya smiles. "And your welcome". Mrs tyson left out and tonya close the door. "I'm going out back the sign is put up for everyone to know to come out back" she said. "What time is it"? "Its two twelve" brenda replied. "Okay my babies will be here soon". And all of them went in back with the rest of them timothy and brenda's kids were the only kids there just sitting in the back waiting on the rest of the kids to arrive. Carol and jimmy were on their way with the kids. "You guys ready for your party" ask their granny. "Yes" they answer. "I hope all my friends come" said jr. "I cant wait to see timothy" said jason. They where best friends. "I don't like star wars" heaven replied. "Well its not your birthday sweety" carol told her. "So you have to except what they want do you hear me"? grandpa jimmy told her. "Yes grandpa"she said. "Now apologize to your brothers for saying that". "Sorry" she told them. "Its okay" they replied. They pulled up in front of the house and jimmy press the button to open the trunk. They all got out the car . "I'ma go get demarr to help you with the bags hunny", "Okay love" she took the kids and they all went out back. More guest had arrive and the kids were running around playing. Heaven ran up to her mother. "Hey mommy" "Hey baby" she picks her up and hugs her. tonya turns around and see's her mother. she walks to her mother and gives her a hug. "Hey momma, wheres daddy"? "Hey baby he out front getting the bags i came to get demarr to help him out". "Okay ma, Babe!!!! tonya yells to him. He turns to her "Yes babe" , "Go help dad out front with the bags". "Okay yo titus come take over the grill til i come back from helping jimmy with the bags and stuff". "okay titus" replied and walk over to the grill. Demarr went out front to help jimmy and his parents pulled up. He grabbed the bag with the kids cloths and other belongings in it and jimmy grab the gifts bags. "Just put their gifts in the living room on the gift table". "Okay" and he walk off towards the house. Demarr walked toward his parents car as they got out. "Hey momma and dad" as he gives them a hug. His father name was Mark and his mother Emma. "Hey sweetheart" said his mother. "Hey son" said his father as he opens the trunks. He gets all the bags out the trunk and he closes it and they all walk towards the house. They went in and his dad put the gifts on the table with all the other gifts. Then they all headed out back with everyone else and Demarr set the kids cloths bags in the front room closet for now. All the kids were having a ball all the adults we chatting then more guest arrive. All tonya's sisters and brothers were their with their children and all of demarr sisters and brothers and their kids except his older sister she had to work so she just dropped the kids off with her fiance. All of jason and jr friends were there and they invited heaven friends too. They played in the bouncy house that's when ryan and dylan arrive dress as dark and white vader they passed swords out to all the kids. They all took lots of pictures they played lots of games for prizes and they all had fun. "Okay who's ready to bust the pinata kids" said demarr as he held the stick and blindfold all the kids ran over towards him screaming me! "Okay stand in a line we gone start with the birthday boys". All the kids got in line and demarr put the blindfold on jason and handed him the stick and spins him around three times. He took a swing and miss the first time. then he hit the second and third time but he still didn't bust it open. Next it was jr's turn demarr blindfolded him and spins him around three time and gave him the stick and off he went he swung really hard and cracked it open just a bit on his first try. He miss the second time and hit it again the third time but it still didn't bust all the way. Next it was the other kids turn. No one bust it open until it was timothy turn he hit all three times and candy flew everywhere he snatch off the blindfold and they all dive for the candy they didn't give demarr a chance to give them a bag for their candies. "Just give them the bags when their done collecting" tonya smiles and picks up the bags off the table and hands it to demarr. "They all had a blast today" said brenda. "True said shae they gone be tired and my babies all going to bath and go straight to bed when they get home. Her mother and father brought her kids to the party just as well as dana's mother. Tietus yelled out "who's hungry"! him and troy made every ones plate they all ate their food. Then it was time to sing happy birthday and open gifts. Everyone went inside and into the kitchen. Tonya took out the cake and ice cream. Shae got the candles off the table and handed it to tonya's sister trish and she put the candles on the cake. Tietus turned off the lights and curtis started recording. They sung happy birthday then jason and jr made a wish and blew out the candles. Everyone clapped and applauded. Demarr cut the cake and tonya put the ice cream on the plates. They all ate their cake and ice cream and when they got done they went into the living room to open gifts. Demarr pick up a gift "Okay well the first gift will be from your grandparents emma and mark" he handed them each their gift they open it and it was the ninja turtle action figures inside all four of them. "Thank you granny and granddad" they both said and gave them a hug. Tonya pick up the next set of gifts. "Okay boys this is from your grandparents carol and jimmy" she handed them all four gifts. they open it they loved their gifts that they got. "Thank you" they both said and gave them a hug and sat back down. They open up the rest of their gives and were surprise by them all and happy. Tonya and demarr got up to announce the last surprise. "Okay boys for your very last surprise it will be a movie out back and the movie is star wars the dark force awakens" said demarr. All the children were excited and jr and jason got up and ran to their parents and gave them a big hug . "Thank ya'll so much" they said. And all the kids and adults went back out side . Curtis and demarr went back out to set up the projector they tide a big white sheet to two trees really tight so that it wouldn't have any wrinkles in it. Tonya and dana spreads the blankets out on the ground while shae and trish set the chairs in place for the ones who wanted to sit in chairs. they all sat down and got situated and demarr started the movie. tonya walk to him and gave him a big hug and kiss. "I love you baby thank you for helping me make this happen yet again for our babies your the best father in the world". "Thank you babe and your the best mother in the world and without you none of this would be happening i love you too". They smiled at each other and turn back to the movie to continue watching it. they were happy the boys enjoyed their day and that everyone else enjoy it to as well.

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