A Cry for Help

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"Oh man I over slept again, I really have to get back on a routine if I'm going to be starting class in a few weeks."

I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom and got ready for the day. After playing with Ellie yesterday I felt really good today. After we said goodbye to each other I had a smile the whole way back home. I glanced at the clock as I exited the bathroom and saw it was about 1:25pm so I knew that it wasn't too early to go see Lucy. I put on my white jacket with a hood and a black zipper. I grabbed the bags of clothes after double checking that everything I bought was there. I grabbed my keys and walked out the door, I didn't think I was going to be gone for long so I left it unlocked.

"Alright now I just hope today goes well and Lucy actually likes the clothes I got her."

I started to lightly dread that Lucy would hate them and not accept the gift. They were not that expensive and honestly money is not a big deal to me. However denying an act of friendship on the other hand is something that would bother me. When I reached Lucy's house I hesitated even longer before knocking on the door. I swallowed the lump in my throat and got ready for whatever reaction she would have. When Lucy opened the door I saw the slightly surprised look on her face as she must have not expected me to show up the next day.

"Hey Lucy, I hope I'm not bothering you."

"No not at all."

"Good because I have a surprise gift for you."

I couldn't exactly hide the bags so I didn't bother hiding the surprise part. Lucy's eyes widened a bit from hearing that.

"A gift...but we just met."

"I know and all the more reason to do so, may I come in?"

Lucy nodded her head and stepped aside to let me walk past, I caught her glancing at the bags in my hands. After she closed the door we walked over to the couch and we sat down in the same spots we were yesterday.

"After what you told me the other day I felt like I should do something nice considering you invited me over."

I handed the bags over to her and she opened one looking at what was inside.


"Yeah it didn't sit right with me knowing that you didn't have any other outfits to wear. I even got you two pairs of shoes."

Lucy looked down with her hair blocking her eyes partially.

"That's very kind of you...I don't know what else to say."

"No worries, I was happy to do it."

"I will try them on."

Lucy set the bag to the side and stood up from the couch. It was when she made the move to take off her shirt did I realize she meant to change in front of me.


Lucy stopped and looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"H-Here let me...go into the other...room so you can have your privacy."

I stood up from the chair and walked into the kitchen and faced towards the back door she had.

'Was she actually going to change in front of me there!? Doesn't she know she can't just do that....well I guess it is her house but still!'

(Lucy P.O.V)

After Axel walked into the kitchen I only stood there in confusion as to why he did that. Was it because I would be naked? Come to think of it Kouta acted strange when he was changing Nyu's clothes that one night we were attacked by soldiers.

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