A Confusing Revelation

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              Once again I find myself treating the injuries of a guy who can't seem to stay out of trouble, although to be fair trouble found him this time.  It hasn't even been a full week since he protected Ellie and here he is getting hurt again.  After he had passed out from exhaustion I went to go get the first aid box and I had Ellie grab a few towels.  Currently I was examining his hand after cleaning away the blood.  I could only imagine how much that had to hurt having the round pierce through completely like that. 

'It looks like he won't be able to do that much with his hand messed up now.  Guess this means he will have no choice but to take it easy now.  At least now we can get some peace and quiet around here.'

Ellie handed me the bandages and I began wrapping around the injury after I placed two protective pads on both sides.  Ellie had a sad smile the entire time as she watched me treat Axel's wounds.  I could easily tell by the look in her eyes that she felt helpless and at fault.  We both explained that it was no ones fault but it still seemed like she blamed herself.  Then again I too had that same feeling; my vectors didn't respond when I needed them too.  Had they been working I wouldn't be taking care of Axel since he wouldn't of had to fight Troy.  I knew that my vectors were also based on emotion and sometimes they wouldn't work if I were to feel something...unexpected or different. 

'It must have been from when he caught me from the swings, that or the talk we had before walking over.  Either way...it's his fault, he made me feel dare I say....safe.   If he hadn't been messing with my emotions like that then we wouldn't be in this mess now would we.  Also how he stood there in fear from his own memories while that trash hurt Ellie.  It was so pathetic, had he not been to much of a coward then Ellie wouldn't have that bruise.'

My anger was making me glare at the sleeping man for making me feel weak and being weak at the same time.  I know he wasn't someone to kill people but when someone you care about is getting hurt you don't stand there in fear.  I tightened my grip on his hand and I heard him grunt in pain but he still remained out cold.  When I finished with his hand I stood up and glared down at him before I turned towards the hallway closet to put the items back.  

(Sigh)  "What am I doing.  Axel just risked his life again to save that girl, myself included.  I shouldn't be pointing out his flaws when he just went through a lot of pain in order to make sure Ellie and I were safe."

"You threatened my new family, the two people I care about more than anything else in this world."

I stopped my hand from reaching towards the door and my eyes widened a little.  I had nearly forgot him saying that and remembering it now caused me to hold my breath in shock. 

'That's right, he said that Ellie and I are more special to him than anything else.  How can he say that when one of us tried to kill him and the other is some random little girl he met a few days ago.  Doesn't he care about his parents, doesn't he understand just how much his life is going to change for having us a part of his family!"

"Maybe Axel does, just you two more special."

'I don't understand why though, he has nothing to gain from this.'

"Why can't you trust him?"

'You know damn well why I can't trust him.  All humans are evil and nothing but scum on this earth that needs to be removed.'

I didn't know why Nyu was still a part of me since I thought she was gone for good after I lost one of my horns with that little girl.  It's hard to say how I felt about my other self; she was weak, frightened easily, and too kind hearted.  Not to mention she was nothing but trouble, she either always got hurt causing me to take control or she would just get hurt out of her own stupidity. 

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