Chapter #14| Unexpected news

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I giggled watching Sin glare at the nurse as he refuses to eat his meal, he demanded Kathy cook his favourite dish while I didn't mind hospital food. Second day in the hospital and already Sin is back to his grumpy self. Officer Jones later on came to interview us, security cameras were taken and he did manage to capture the group of men.

"Alright Mr. Lopez, you're healing just fine so you'll be able to leave the hospital tomorrow morning. Please make sure you do not do any heavy lifting in order for your wound to heal. Now with the bruise on your stomach it didn't affect the baby so he/she is just fine" the nurse says. I nodded in response knowing I'll have to keep it easy the next part made me look at her like she's crazy.

"B-Baby!" I said in shock.

"What?" said Sin with same expression as I am.

"Yes, your baby, you're currently three weeks" she replied. Baby! I am having a baby! I couldn't believe it and I am a man not a woman. It is possible for a male to become pregnant but didn't think I am one of them? Am I ready to become a parent?

"Holy sh*t" Sin says. I glance over to Sin watching his reaction, I am just as shocked but I feel excited that I am having my own child. Sin shocked expression worries me, he didn't utter a sound nor word when the nurse left the room.

"We need to talk about this" I said

"Yeah we do" he replies. I touched my flat stomach, I smiled that a baby is growing inside of me, our baby is growing inside of me. This is a lot to take in, I don't even know what relationship Sin and I have but now we're having a baby. Does Sin ever thought of having a future together, hell do I even think about having a future together and raising this baby together? After realising how much Sin really means to me and that he could of died that day, I could of died as well. My thoughts run a different direction thinking about Nathan wanting revenge and now those men. I couldn't bare bring my unborn baby into this mess, it's not worth risking his/her innocent lives because of the mistakes I made in the past.

"I-I know this is a lot to take in but w-we'll get through this" I said.

"Indeed it is but I am not a good man kitten, how can I be a good father when I am the most wanted man in Australia. It's Australia for goodness sake kitten where they hate bikers, new laws are made for bikers. How I be a good example for our unborn child" he says

"I-I don't know Sin, I cannot answer that question but what I do know is you're kind and loving person, I know you'll be a good father" I replied

"Damn baby, you make me question everything" he says

"F*ck we aren't ready for this kitten but like you said we'll get through it" he said. Tears roll down my cheek happy he didn't reject our baby or even me. I don't know how we'll do it but I promise our son/daughter we'll be good parents.


The drive home was silent, Andy taking us back to the club and the news still leaves me in shock. I am becoming a father, Calvin Sin Ryder is becoming a father, who would of thought a bastard like me will have a son/daughter in nine months time. I held Fernando's hand as he remained silent looking out the window not even giving me a glance.

I think back remembering the time him entering my club, applying for the job working at the bar. I remember those jeans he wore that fitted him well. Curvy with a large ass just the way I like it, I bite my bottom lip feeling my d*ck twitch in my pants. I dreamed different ways of f*cking him and the gaping hole left my f*cking him raw.

After Andy notified me those group of men who belonged to Knight Kings MC were captured, I wanted to capture them myself then put a bullet through their heads. Officer Jones paid me a visit a couple of times in the hospital asking questions that doesn't relate to the scene but mainly about my brother Leon. The bastard done something the made Officer Jones determine to get something upon him then lock him up.

Just saying his name brings unwanted emotions to Officer Jones, they have history together I assume. I could careless who my brother f*cks but it's seems something different with Officer Jones but I don't know their story, it's not mine to tell anyway. Finally arriving at the club house, it has a different vibe now. Many lost their loved ones and it will never be the same, Leon will pay for lives he took. The only person which I know who can get to him is Officer Jones that means telling him Leon's past, I may not have prove of them having history but I have a gut feeling they do.  

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