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A/N: Thank you all for viewing, voting and commenting on this book, it's finally finished and I'll start Leon and Jones short story right away. Also sexual content ahead ;)


Months later ...

"C-Calvin!" I said. Trying to wake him up, I whimper in pain as I rub my pregnant stomach. Feeling the bed wet beneath me I realise that my water broke.

"Calvin!" I yelled. His eyes flew open as he quickly sit up.

"What's wrong?" he asked

"M-My water broke, I need to go to the hospital" I said. He got off the bed and quickly packed my bag, Calvin called Mikey and Kathy as they both stormed into our bed room. They quickly helped me up, with my bad over his shoulder Calvin picked up and rush towards Andy's pick up truck. I asked Mikey to notify Xander and the others as ask them to be as the hospital. Calvin drove over the speed limit, I cried in pain feeling our daughter kick.

"Hurry!" I cried

"F*ck" he says. I threw my head back yelled in pain, I begged him to hurry that she really wants to come out. Finally we arrived at the hospital, my midwife and nurses are ready for my arrival and immediately they rushed me inside. Calvin right by my side, soon they started the C-section to bring our baby girl into this world. Calvin held my hand, seeing tears roll down his cheek as our baby girl is finally born, she screamed as the nurses quickly cleaned her while Calvin cut the umbilical cord.

I weakly smiled as he gently held our girl, he showed me our beautiful baby, we named her Rose Ryder our beautiful angel.


One year later ....

"Dada!" Rose squealed. I smiled picking up and kiss her soft cheek, she looked so much like Fernando but her demanding attitude belong to me. So much happened within a year, Rose finally turned one, she had a big birthday party playing with her cousins. Nathan went to jail sentence to 20 years, Fernando still get nightmares from that night, I made sure to keep him distracted as possible.

Leon disappeared and so did Officer Jones, I'll never forgive my brother for what he did ordering his men shoot innocent people at my club house. Many lost their lives that day and they'll always be remembered, rules changed within the club house and only members with O' ladies are allowed to live inside the club house. Club parties are now held at Mercury, now that the club house have a new looked and modernised. I stopped selling drugs and got a job working in a factory, I used every opportunity to f*ck my husband, thrusting my c*ck inside his tight hole.

"Welcome home baby" said Fernando. His hips sexily swayed, I bite my bottom lip imagining ways to f*ck him raw. Putting Rose down in her play pen, I pulled Fernando into the kitchen and kissed his soft lips. He moaned in response, my hand went inside his shorts as I grip his c*ck, he whimpered begging for more. I roughly jerk him off while sucking on his neck, he threw his head against my shoulder moaning loudly until he release on my hand. I licked my palm cleaning it wanting to taste his seed, he blushed and looked away.

"Tasty" I said. He smack my butt making me laugh.

"Go watch your daughter while I start dinner" he says. I watched my sexy husband moved around the kitchen, I think back never imagining that I'll have a beautiful husband and daughter, I never imagine having a family but I guess a monster I use to be now has a happy ending, I am on lucky man.  

Block B (ManxMan|MC|Mpreg) - BLOCK SERIES - BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now