First Day Of Hell

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(Camila's POV)
    "Camila hurry up!" My mom yelled from the car. "Okay I'm coming I'm coming" I said while running downstairs. I went to the car and my mom said "we're already running late" "I don't even want to go" I said. "Come on Mila it won't be that bad" she said. "Mom it's the middle of the school year (December) and I'll make no friends" I said. "You don't know that" she said.
     We got to my school and I got out of the car. I didn't even say goodbye to my mom. I walked in the school and remembered I needed to go to the office to get my schedule.
     As I walked out of the office after getting my schedule I heard the bell ring. "Great my first day and I'm already late to homeroom" I said to myself. I start to looked at my schedule and accidentally ran into someone. We bumped into each other so hard that we both fell. "I'm so sorry I-" i stop talking when I look at his face. He's really cute. I continued to talk "um do you know where room A2 is ?" I say.
     "You new?" He says while picking up something. "Yea" I said. I looked at what he was picking up and it was my bracelet. "This yours?" He said. "Yes thank you don't know what I would've done if I would've lost this" I said. It was a bracelet my dad gave me when I was little. It's the only thing I had of him before he left.
     "I'm Shawn" he said. "Camila" I said while barely smiling. "A2 is right here" he says while looking at the room right in front of us. "Thanks" I say. He opens the door for me and walks in after I do. "Mr. Mendes explain why you're late" the teacher said. "I was helping the new girl" he said went to his desk. Ew new girl I hated that image. I showed the teacher my schedule and he told me to sit where I would like. I sat in the back. There was a seat next to Shawn but I didn't bother sitting next to him.
     The bell rang and I went to my first period class which was math. I showed the teacher my schedule and he sat me in the front. I saw Shawn about to walk in but a girl stopped him and started to kiss him. When they were done they both walked up to my desk. I already knew this wouldn't be good....
     "Excuse me you're in my seat" the girl says. "I'm sorry I just-" I was interrupted by the teacher. "Amanda your new seat is in the back" he said. She just looked at him rolled her eyes and went to the back seat.
     Shawn sat next to me. He didn't say a word neither did I. As I was listening to the lesson I could feel Shawn starring at me. I couldn't help but look at him to see if he actually was. When I looked at him our eyes met and he looked away quick.
     The bell rang and I had 3rd and 4th period with Shawn. At lunch I sat alone by the trash cans. Amanda and her other 2 friends went to the trash can next to me and threw there trash in there. They threw it so hard that some of the mashed potatoes on their tray went on me. I didn't do anything they just laughed.
     She went up Shawn and kissed him. He kissed back and grabbed her waist. I was grossed out can they get a room?
     When lunch was over I went to 5th period which was science. Of course Shawn had to be in that class. As soon as I walked in the teacher told me where my desk was. It was in the front. A girl sat next to me she was kind of short but very pretty. "Okay class so I assigned your partners for the project but since we have a new student I had to switch things up" the teachers said. Everyone looked at me. I hated it.
     She started to say names. Instead of first names she said last names. She said Shawn's last name and I was hoping she wouldn't say mine after. "Mendes you're with Cabello" I wanted to scream after she said that. Out of all the people I had to get him.
     She finished and said "okay get with your partners" I went to go sit in the back where Shawn sat. "I really don't know much of what we have to do" I said. He rolled his eyes a little and explain everything.
     We worked on it and didn't finish. "Look here's my number I'll give you my address so you can come over and we can finish this shit" he said. I didn't say a word and just took the paper with his number on it and went back to my original seat. "He can be a jerk" the girl that I sit next to said. "Tell me about it" I said. "I'm ally" she said and smiled. "Camila" I said. The bell rang and I went to pe. I saw Shawn playing football. Then a saw Amanda with the cheer squad. Of course they would be on that.
     After school I texted Shawn.

Me: it's Camila.

He gave me his address and I went over an hour later.
     I rang the door bell and he opened it. I went inside and he lead me to his room without saying a word. "Okay so I'm pretty busy with math homework so can you just finish it up?" He said while grabbed his math homework out of his bag. I was mad he's such a jerk. "You don't you don't have to always act like an asshole. I mean but that's your reputation right?" I said while crossing my arms. He just looked at me and put away the math homework. We finished up the project and I saw him starting to take out his math homework again. He really didn't understand it.
     I sat by him by him on the edge of his bed and said "you know it's not really that hard" he kept looking at the homework and said "easy for you to say" I grabbed his pencil. Our hands touched and he looked at me after. I looked at him and started talking. "You just divide the number after" I said. "Thanks" he said. "I better get going" I said. "Wait Carmen" He said. I looked back and said "I'll wait when you say my name right" and left.

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