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Shawn's POV: (1 year later) (July)
I could hear the crowd screaming my name it was amazing. So many great things were going on in my life. I haven't felt this good in a while. Everything was happening so fast I couldn't keep up.
After I was done performing I went backstage and got a text.

Laur: ON MY WAY!!! :) 💜😚


Laur: YES IM ONLY 10 minutes away!! 💕

Me: Hurry ! 💕

I was so happy. My girlfriend Laur was coming. She only lives a few minutes away. (I'm currently in Canada for the 1989 tour with Taylor).
I was waiting so long for Laur to come while at was at my hotel. Then I heard a knock at my door. I opened the door and was the happiest person in the world. I hugged Laur and picked her up.
"I missed you so much" she said while kissing me after I put her down. "Me too I couldn't go another moment without seeing you" I said while hugging her. "I'm not staying though.." She said in a sad tone. "What why?" I said. "I have to visit family and my plane leaves at 9:00 I wish I could stay" she said. "Me too" I said. "Hey at least I got to see you that's better then nothing" she said while kissing my cheek. "Yea that's true" I said still very upset. "Well I have to go right now I swear I'll call and text I love you" she said and kissed me after. "I love you too" I said. She started to walk down the hall and I wanted to run after her and convince her to stay but I knew it wouldn't work.
I went back inside then fell asleep a little after. The only thing that sucks about being on tour is not getting to see Laur all the time.

Camila's POV:
I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I got up and got ready for school. It was my first year of college and I hated it more then anything. I thought college would be fun but it's not my thing. I couldn't drop out because my mom would get so upset and say how I'll regret it and that NYU waisted a good scholarship.
I got out of my apartment and walked to school. Class was horrible and boring I hated it all. I just wanted to leave. I was there to be a professional actor but I don't even want to do that. I don't know what I actually want to do.
After high school I basically left and lost contact with all my friends. I miss them but it's not the same. I wish Ally, Lauren, Normani, and Dinah would call but they never do.
As I was walking home I saw a huge billboard of Shawn. It annoyed me. He's everywhere and I mean EVERYWHERE. Why can't he just leave my life forever?
I got home and made hot chocolate. It always makes everything better no matter what.
Tonight I'm supposed to go on a date with this guy who asked me out in my class. I honestly don't want to. He seems nice but I know I need to get back out there so why not?
As I was getting ready I stopped when I got a text. It was from the guy I was going out with. He cancelled on me. "Just great" I said. "You know what I'm still going out I'm already ready and I'm just going to find somewhere to have fun" I yelled even though no one could hear.
I left my house walking to a coffee shop. It was my favorite one of all time in New York. As I was walking I saw so many flashes from cameras. I was wondering who they were taking pictures of.
I passed by everyone and went inside. I ordered my drink then took out my book. I started reading and was interrupted by so many people screaming. It was the paparazzi again. I heard the screams getting louder as the door opened and then they were banging on the glass. I look to see who was inside and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Shawn. "no" I whispered to myself. I put on my hoodie and covered my face with my book. "Please leave please leave please leave" I said quietly so only I could hear.
"Excuse me? Do you know if there's a bathroom h- Camila?" I heard Shawn say. I was still covering my face. I finally put it down and he was just starring at me. It was an awkward silence until they called my name for my coffee. I quickly got up and ran to get my drink.
I was walking back to the table I was sitting at and Shawn was sitting down looking at my book. What do I do? I told myself. Well it's my table so I'm going to go sit back down
But what if he talks to me?
Of course he is but why not?
I haven't talked to him in over a year
I finally sat down and there was Shawn right in front of me. "Oh sorry I was just looking" he said while putting my book down. "It's fine" I said very low. "So how have you've been?" He said. "Good" I said. I lied of course. "You?" I asked because I felt like I had to. "Great just busy I guess" he said showing off how famous he was. "Great the bathroom is on the right side by the door bye" I said very upset while getting up to leave. "No no hey did I do something?" He said while grabbing my hand. I saw a flash while he was still holding my hand. "Great now rumors will start and my life will suck as more as it does" I said to Shawn while letting go of his hand.
"I'm sorry. Can we hang out or something?" He asked. "Why would SHAWN MENDES want to hang out with me" I said in an angry tone. "Mila come on" he said. "Don't call me that you don't even know me anymore" I said while leaving outside.
I went outside and I was already being asked questions. "Are you dating Shawn MENDES! DID HE BREAK UP WITH LAUR? CHEATER! GO HOME LITTLE GIRL." I wanted to cry. Someone grabbed my hand as a tear went down my face. It was Shawn. I quickly let go of his hand. "Stop doing that" I said while still walking back to my apartment. "Sorry um im serious Camila I really want to hang out with you and talk to you again" he said while walking with me. "Fine we can hang out at my place but I really don't want to go right now since they'll follow me" I said. "I have an idea" he said while smiling.
"Okay so I'll go one way and you go the other just text me your address and I'll be there." He said. "What's your number?" I asked. He gave it to me and texted him. "Did you get it?" I asked. "Yep" he said while showing me his phone. The notification said "Mila👼🏼🍌" I smiled. "You still have my number?" I said. "Yea now go I'll be there in 10 minutes" he said.
Shawn started running the other way and everyone was chasing him. I ran to my apartment before anyone could follow me. I went inside out of breath. A few minutes later I heard a knock on my door. It was Shawn. "Hey" he said. "Hi come in" I said very awkwardly. "Nice place it's all yours?" He said. "Yep" I said. "So how's Laur shouldn't you be with her?" I said. "She's with family I just flew in last night" he said. "Oh nice" I said. Things were so awkward I didn't know what to do. "Be right back!" He said while leaving the apartment.
He came back a minute later with a guitar case. "Eh???" He said while smiling. "What are you doing" I said while laughing. He pulled out his guitar and sat on my couch. "Can you sing good?" He asked. "I don't know" I said. "Can you play?" He said. "Um kind of I remember playing in high school but I don't remember as much" I said.
Shawn wasn't even listening to me. He was just on his phone. "Wow thanks Shawn" I said. "Sorry but I really got to go my manager found me a hotel and I need to be there now" he said while walking the door. "Wait your guitar!!!" I yelled. "Just um keep it!" He said. "What no!" I said. He couldn't hear me because he already left.
I sat down after with the guitar. I started to sing a little. I don't know if I was good because the only person who heard me sing was myself. I grabbed the guitar and looked up a quick tutorial for stressed out by twenty one pilots. I caught on very quick. I recorded my self singing and sent it to Shawn.

Me: *video of me singing* ???


Me: sure


Me: well thank you 😊

Shawn🎤: 😊💕

Shawn's POV:
I'm not going to lie. It's nice talking to mila again. I texted Laur because I haven't talked to her all day

Me: Hi ❤️😚

Laur❤️: Who is this?????

She sent the picture of Camila and I. It's the one where I was grabbing her hand.

Me: she's an old friend from high school.

Laur❤️: why were you grabbing her hand?

Me: it's nothing!!

Laur❤️: if it's nothing then tell me why you were grabbing her hand

Me: She was mad at me because of what happened in high school and stuff so I stopped her from leaving that's all I swear.

Laur❤️: what happened in high school?

Me: i don't like to talk about it

Laur❤️: tell me

Me: I can't

Laur❤️: you know what have fun with that one girl who looks like she's 5 I knew this would never work out

Me: I didn't even do anything??

She just read the message. She didn't even hear me out. I tried calling her but it went straight to voicemail. I was so bored in my hotel room. I facetimed Camila and she answered. We talked for hours. She fell asleep and I laughed when I realized. I hung up then went to bed. I accidentally forgot about Laur......

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