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Anjali POV:

In the world of money, I always hope somewhere true love exist. I wish I could find someone who will love me forever.

"Anjali.. Anjali.." Someone is banging my room door.

It's almost 9 in the morning. What the hell??How can I sleep this long. I am sure Mom will kill me today.

"Anjali...Open the door.." I heard again. This is something serious. I quickly opened the door and there stood my family with angry faces.

"Mom..What happened??"

"Anjali!!Where is Archana??" My mom is yelling at me.

"Mom!! What do you mean? She must be in her room. How would I know?" I replied carelessly.

"She is neither in her room nor in the house" said Mom sadly.

"Anju,we searched for her in the entire house there is no sign of her and her phone is switched off. Do you know where she is??" tensed Arjun.

We live in a joint family. Everyone in house respects and follows Thavuji (My father's elder brother). Archana and Arjun are Thavuji's children. Archana is favorite for everyone even for my Mom and Dad too.

" I don't know Bhai. She didn't informed me anything. She is avoiding me from the past one week" told to Arjun. He is the best brother one can have. He always used to treat me and Archana equally.

"Call to her friends and ask them if they know anything about her" shouted my dad.

Now I am tensed. My father was never this serious.

I took my phone and dialed to her. It is still switched off. Whom should I call??Rakesh??

"Hello!! Rakesh"

My dad ordered me to turn on the speaker.

"Hi Anjali" came ArchanaDi voice.

"Di!!Where are you??"

" Anju, I am fine. Don't worry about me. I am safe in a place where no one can reach me. I eloped with Rakesh. Thank you for your advice. You are the best sister " she said in a happy tone.

My advice?? I didn't even give her any. All are almost trying to kill me with their looks.

"Di!! Please come home. Everyone is worried about you. We can talk to Thavuji about this. He will agree" I said gulping.

"No!!I can't. Rakesh is my world. Our family will never approve this. I will be happier, if no one contact me in future also. Bye" she hangs up the call.

"Anju, do you know about Rakesh and Archana??" asked my mom angrily.

"Yes mom"


My mom slapped me. She never did this before.


"Did you help them??" angered Thavuji.

"No!! " I said rubbing my teary eyes.

"Dad!!I don't know anything.... they both are friends...!! I don't know that, they are in relation" I cried holding my dad's hand. Only he can help me in this situation.

"Enough!!, Do you have any idea about what you did??No!! How dumb can a person be??"shouted Thavuji and left the room.

"Anju!!You know everything. How can you suggest her to do this? Have you once thought about the family??" said Dad in a disappointed tone.

"Dad!! Please trust me. She told me she is asking on behalf of her friend in much critical situation. So, I told her to do so. I never thought it is her own story" I said sobbing.

She lied to me. If she told me this is her story, I would have asked her to talk to Thavuji and solve the issue.

No one is in a condition to listen or understand what I am saying. Wahh!! There she is happy by eloping and here I am suffering for all the deeds that she

A Thud sound came from my room entrance and there Thayiji is lying unconsciously on floor. We took her to hospital.

Doctor said she is fine, and it is because of the stress.

I was the first one to be relieved. But I don't know what wrong I did.

Why my mom slapped me? She never did this to me. Everyone from my family are looking at me as if I have murdered someone.

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