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Thank you all for your support. Sry I could not give reply to your comments this time as I am busy.

Lots of love...

"Who is it?" Rahul asked.

"It is Arav" I said slowly.

"Why is he calling you??" His voice raised.God please give me strength.I am not able to understand Rahul attitude.

"I..." I started looking down.

"Split it out quickly" Rahul angered.

"I ..I don't know" I shivered due to fear.

He went upstairs ignoring me.If he don't want to listen,then why did he asked me.....???!!

"Hello" I said still shivering.

"Anju.Where are you??Why are you not lifting my phone??"Arav excited.

" Arav..I am sorry..I was busy..."I said.

"It's OK Anju.Are you free today??" He asked.

What should I tell him??He want to know my reply.God!!please help me.I only like him as a friend.

"Anju...Anju" he called me as I was lost in my thoughts.

"Haa.I am free.We can meet at 4'o clock" I said.

"Thank you dear.We will meet at crystal restaurant,sharp 4 O'clock" he said.

"Ok" I cut the call.

Where is Rahul??Why is he angry??I came back to kitchen and started preparing breakfast.

It's already 12.Rahul hasn't come down for breakfast. I don't have dare to face him as I am fear of his angry.

I sat on living room and started watching TV.I saw Rahul going to office.Can't he inform me??such a jerk I thought myself.

I ate my lunch and went to my room to take shower.I came out of bathroom with wearing only towel.Suddenly the door of my room is wide open with a sound.

"Where the hell...??" Rahul screamed and stopped seeing me.I stood on the place where I am standing like a statute.I gulped.He closed the door and came forward.

He dragged me towards him and sat on bed.I was sitting on his lap.Our faces are only few centimetres away.Everything happened in few seconds.

This is the first time I saw his face clearly and that too in this much closeness.His one hand is on my waist and another hand on my right tigh.The beat of my heart stopped.His closeness is killing me.He is staring at me.Within in few seconds our lips came to contact. He is kissing me.I don't know what to do.He is kissing me softly and slowly.I haven't opened my mouth but unknowingly I too started kissing him.I feel like I am undressed.He started moving his hands on my bare neck and deepened the kiss.The kiss is so passionate.

I want him more and more.I also started responding for his kiss.I don't know where this one will lead to. I feel like I am in different world.

Suddenly,Rahul pushed me away from him and went to his room.It took few minutes for me to realise about what had happened.

Why did he got angry??Am I a bad kisser??Or did I do something wrong??Ayesha..I think he remembered about Ayesha and felt guilty.

What is happening to me??Within few months I too will leave him.How can I think like that??I should be strong.Control yourself Anju I thought myself.

I quickly got up and stood infront of mirror. My lips are swollen. I touched them slowly. I should stop thinking about him.It just happened and it is a mistake.

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