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So no one has readed my first part of this book yet. I don't think anybody will be stupid enough to read my stories. I personally think that they suck. So I wouldn't blame you if you would think the same. But as an idiot I will continiue writing, because maybe one day someone will enjoy my stories. And I just want to write. I do it for fun so.... I will continue.

This story is inspired by the song above. (Out of the Woods by Taylor Swift)

~ Maka's pov ~

Running, I just keep on running. I don't know for how many hours I've been running. I trip over a stump and I fall in the mud. I'm cover in mud and I'm cold. I suddenly hear a low growling behind me. I turn my head on instinct to the sound. No. I think shocked. Wolfs. I get up and I begin running again. Run, running, just keep on running. I run closer to a clif. I look down... Water, that means I can jump without dying immediatly. I jump. "Ahhh!!"My screams stops when I hit the water. The air gets forced out of my lungs. The water is ice cold. I swim as fast as I can to get to the surface. Air, I need air. 

I gasp for air. I try to swim against the stream, but it is to strong. I go onder again. Something cuts my side. I desperatly try to go to the suface again. I stay above and try to go to the side. I grab a tree trunk but it's loose. It falls into the water along with me. After a few minutes I spot it. I swim with the last of my energy to the trunk and grab onto it. I make sure that I grip it tight before I pas out.


~ Soul's pov ~

Me, Blackstar and Kid were searching for the girls. They were hiding from us. "AHHHHH!!" "That's Liz!" Kid yells. We begin to run toward the scream. "What's wrong Liz?" Tsubaki asks. "T-There." She point to a tree trunk. Blackstar stares to the trunk. "Wait a sec.... That's a girl!!!" "What!!" We all yell in unision. I run into the water. What the hell is a girl doing in the water holding a tree trunk. I swim as fast as I can towards the girl in the water. No!!  I see her fall of the trunk. I dive under and grab her.

When I get back to the surface I see that Blackstar has entered the water too. I swim to him and he helps me with getting the girl out of the water. When we lay her on the ground the girls bow over her. "Wow. She looks terrible." Tsubaki says shocked. "I wonder how old she is." Liz says. "Yeah, that's a good question big sis." Patty comments. There're actually all right. 

"I think that we should take her to my place. There we can take care of all her cuts and other wounds. I think that I still have some of my old clothing for her." Tsubaki says. "I think that that's a good idea" I say. And I'm exhausting. 

~ Maka's pov ~

I feel an unfamiliar warmth. Wait... Is this a bed. Where am I. I slowly try to open my eyes. I shot them again against the light. "Do you think she's going to be alright?" A girls voice asks. "I hope so. She's in a bad shape." That's a boy. I wonder if they're the only one here. I open my eyes once again. "She's awake!!" "I can see that" "How are you feeling" The girl asks me. "I-I" "Here" The girl hands me some water and some food. I start to eat and drink and the girl starts talking. "My name is Tsubaki, that boy over there is Soul. We and some other friends were having fun in the woods when we saw you lying in a river. Soul and Blackstar rescued you." I suddenly relize something. I'm clean, and I have other clothes on. "What happed to my clothes? And why am I this clean?" The girl named Tsubaki looked shocked. "Oh, I forgot to tell you. Me, Liz and Patty washed you. I'm so sorry if we did something wrong. I-" I cut her off. "No, It's alright. Thank you very much. You didn't have to do all of this." The boy talks. "We just did what good people would do." "Thank you." I finish eating the meal. "Would you like to meet our other friends?" "Are they here than." "Yes, come on."

I walk into a big room. "Wow, where are we. It's huge here." "Ah, hello. You're inside of my house. My name is Death the Kid. Kid for short." "YAHOO!! YOU'RE AWAKE! I'm the ALMIGHTY BLACKSTAR!!" "Hello, my name is Elizabeth, but everyone calls me Liz. This is my sister Patricia. Patty, as everyone calls her." "I love giraffes!!! Do you like giraffes??" They're all so.. Nice.  "Yes I like giraffes."

after setteling down at a sofa Kid asks me a question. "If you don't mind me asking, what happed?" I already suspected this question would come. "I'll tell you, but no interruptions, alright?" "Alright." All of them said in unsion. "I was at a party. Well it wasn't really a party. It was only me at the old house of my parents. Witch lays close to the edge of the woods. I was there 'cause I missed my parents more than usually. They're... You know. But anyway, as I was saying it was very close to the woods. I had some food with me. When I walked away I was suddenly attacked by some animals. They cutted of the way back to the market. So I ran towards the woods. Big mistake. After some time of running and falling wolfs came. I was so scared. I don't really know what happed. There was a cliff and wolves were behind me. So I jumped into the water. Down the cliff. I saw a three thrunk, grabbed it, founded out it was lose, and passing out. The next thing I know is waking up here." The girls and even the boys are looking at me shocked. "Just so you know. You looked horrible when we found you." The boy with blue hair says. "Yeah, I figured." Then suddenly the girls are hugging me. "You are going to stay with us from now on." Tsubaki says.

I think I found a home. Along with some friends.

Alright. A bit of a rushed end here, but I was a bit lazy I guess. So please review if you readed it. Again, sorry for any grammar mistakes.



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