Chapter 6: Not Alone

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Isaac trudged up the steps to the loft, after punching in the security code of course with duffle bag in his other hand. He couldn’t help but notice how paranoid Derek had become lately, it was probably for their own good, there was a pack of Alpha’s out there and they could attack any moment, why didn’t they?

Isaac groaned and shook his head, he was too tired to think, rummaging for clothes in his old home was too hard and he was exhausted and a hot shower sounded perfect. He arrived at the threshold of the towering metal door, placing a hand on the handle he pulled and the door slide open effortlessly, the rusting wheels squeaked in protest and Isaac stepped into the space before closing it behind him.

Derek who was mid pacing by the window stopped and turned his profile in Isaac’s direction, the blonde was quick to notice the lack of a bubbly hyperactive individual who’s smile made his day.

“Where is Meg?” He asked, at the mention of her sadness crept into the alpha’s eyes, he averted his gaze back to the view of the city outside the window.

“She is at her grandmother’s place.” Isaac tensed; he could sense there was something wrong, enough to trouble Derek.

“What happened?” He hesitated to ask.

Megra had her lips pressed together anxiously the entire car ride to grandma’s place, her fingers were drumming on her knees as she stared out the window. Derek had glanced at her every now and then, the sudden death took them both by shock, it was tensely silent in the car and Meg was aware of it but she didn’t know what to say. She grew alert, they were at the house, Derek swerved the car to the back and parked it and she stared out blankly.

“I can stay if you want me to.” Derek’s deep voice brought her out of her train of thought; she turned to face him, seeing his concerned expression as his eyes searched her face for assurance. She faltered for a moment, but realising that he was there to help a wave of gratitude swept over her, she succumbed to a reluctant half-smile.

“Thank you but I think I have to deal with this alone and besides, I am pretty sure Mr. Stilinski would be dropping by sometime soon and if he saw you—“

“Yeah I know.” He cut in; she stared at him for a moment before squeezing his hand fondly to show her appreciation.

“I’ll see you later then, thank you again.” She uttered and he nodded, she unbuckled herself before exiting the car with Derek staring after her.


Megra sat on a bed unsure of how to feel. When she had arrived at the home her grandmother’s body wasn’t there and for a moment she thought it could be a hoax but then seeing the sympathy in the old nurse’s eyes she knew it wasn’t. The nurse had sent the body to the mortician and Meg could only nod in reply.

“She wasn’t in any pain; she passed away in her sleep.” The nurse had informed her kindly, Meg found comfort in that. Her grandmother struggled a lot with her memory when the dementia first began.

Mrs. Cabot escorted Meg up to the guest bedroom in the attic, she remember her father said that it used to be his room before he left for college. It wasn’t much, just a plain room with single bed against the wall with a window above it, there was the lingering smell of dust and the dankness of the wood but she didn’t mind, even though it was lonely, she missed Derek and Isaac.

Once she had settled her bag and changed into a plain tee and shorts she went down for dinner, Mrs. Cabot had left her a cucumber sandwich and a glass of milk before she had retried to her room, Meg was grateful and made a mental note to thank the nurse in some way, she had taken good care of her grandma through her last days.

Reason-Sequel to Caution. Purpose. Faith-A Derek Hale Story (Teen Wolf fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now