Death of a Friend- Part 2

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Isaac’s back hit the floor roughly; he winced when the hard wooden boards banged against his side. Groaning he sat up and looked up to find Meg grinning down at him, he smiled back. When Meg had asked him if they could train that afternoon he was more than eager to comply, considering she had been hidden away in her room for the past week. Isaac was glad to see the old Megra back, not completely recovered but she was getting there and if training was the only way to get her mind off Erica, he was there.

He took her outstretched hand and she helped him to his feet, he released his grip on her and patted away the dirt on his pants. Meg heaved a deep breath with her hands on her hips, her heart was racing and her muscles were sore but her mind was replaying the spar.

It was too slow, I need to be faster. Even though she had managed to bring down Isaac, it was still too easy and he was taking this too lightly, like he always did.

“That was great, let’s go again.” Isaac gaped at her words.

“Are you serious?  I am exhausted!” He groaned stretching his arms over his head and then cracking his neck side to side. Meg frowned disappointed by his words; she crossed her arms in front of her chest finding it hard to believe that he could be exhausted after an hour of training.


“What do you mean already?” He tapped at the protective glass of his wrist watch “Look at the time.” Meg was surprised when she did; they started at three, now it was five.

“Oh...Sorry Isaac I just lost track.” She said apologetically, Isaac’s smile was carefree.

“Its fine, I gotta go take a shower and go get dinner or do you wanna go first?” He asked, Meg smiled and shook her head.

“Nah you go ahead you are in a hurry anyway.” She waited till Isaac made a left turn in the direction of the bathroom before slowly allowing her smile to fall. She turned to the punching back behind her with sheer determination in her eyes.  

Her fingers curled into fists, elbows bending she brought her clenched fists closer to her body and then spread her legs, taking a balanced stance before swiftly punching the bag. Her knuckles drove deep into the bag and then rebounded as the other arm followed; her powerful blows shook the heavy bag and rattled the chain that kept it erect. She breathed hard her nostrils flaring and beads of sweat dripping down her face. But her mind was far away, the ache in her muscles were increasing she needed a distraction to keep going.

“Whoa, I never pegged you for the artsy type” Meg was in awe at the sight of Erica’s bedroom.  It was average in size–she guessed it to be around twelve feet by twelve— her bed was a wide white double bed, its head board was pressed against a large rectangular window. There were bursts of colour and light in every direction she looked; delicate bright light hung long crisscross vines across the ceiling.

There were large posters of random places in the world and band photos pasted against the wall left to the bed, on the right was another wide window that had a view of the Beacon Hill’s high forest trees. The floor was beige carpeted and soft under her toes that curl against the material. There was a mahogany desk on the right wall with a computer and scattered papers on it.

“What? Don’t I look creative?”  Erica snapped dumping her bag beside the door after shutting it behind her.

“Do you get defensive over everything I say?” Meg sighed, the blonde’s scowl softened under the gentle insistency in Meg’s amber eyes. 

“Sorry.”Erica grumbled, the dark haired girl blinked unsure of how to feel. Erica was the one who suggested Meg stay over at her place to finish off the project they were given but now she acted like she didn’t even want her there. The woman was an enigma but then the more Meg thought about it, a slow realization sunk into her.

Reason-Sequel to Caution. Purpose. Faith-A Derek Hale Story (Teen Wolf fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now