Ponyboy gets tough

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Ponyboy's POV

Everyone has been getting on my nerves lately and I can't seem to stand anyone for more than 10 minutes. Even Soda. Dally and Johnny's deaths are glued into my mind and I can't seem to stop thinking about them. Just to escape them I've started drinking and smoking a lot. I've even took up a little bit of gambling. None of it seems to bad until one day...


A couple of weeks ago I stopped sleeping in mine and Soda's room. I usually crash at some chicks place or bucks. Sometimes I even crash on the couch in the living room. Last night I did just that and this morning I woke up to the gang rough housing.

"Hey shut up will ya? Can't you see I'm sleeping." I snap at Two-bit who was currently on top of Steve wrestling him.

"Lighten up kid. Your world doesn't have to be so dull." Two-bit gets off Steve and rubs my hair. I cringe at the touch and I almost punch him.

"Don't test me Mathews." I reply. I can hear the bitterness in my voice.

"Seriously Pony what's up with you?" Darry asks walking into the kitchen. "And don't think I don't know that you haven't been sleeping at home." He adds and then grabs a bannana.

"Yeah why haven't you been sleeping at the Curtis house?" Steve asks, amused by the sound of his own voice. Out of everyone I would have to say I hate Steve the most.

Before I can answer there's a harsh knock on the door that almost makes Two-bit jump out of his seat. Darry opens the door without a second thought but you can tell he regrets it soon after. I can see that there are four men standing outside the house and all of them don't seem to be pleased.

"Where's Curtis?" One of them asks. Oh shit. It's the guys I owe money. This is not going to end well.

"Which one?" Darry is almost as intimidating as the men but the sheer number of guys they have is worse.

"The little shit that owes me money that one. Fuck let me in." I see the man stumble into the house and then he spots me.

"Ahh here is the lucky little brat." He spits. I sneer at him.

"Bill I don't have your fucking money. Leave my house now!" I try to be as intimidating as I can but I'm still only a somewhat muscular 16 year old.

"What's going on?" Soda asks walking into the living room.

The gang seems to be completely shocked that these guys just barged in here. Darry seems to be ready to kill these guys though and I can see Two-bit pull out his switch blade.

"If your gang tries anything I swear I'll kill all of them." Bill says, chilling me to my very core.

"Leave." I spit at the gang. Two-bit puts his blade away.

"Pony these guys are gonna kill you." Soda says.

Coincidentally Bill takes this as an opportunity to punch me in the face. Let me tell you that guy has some power but he doesn't knock me to the ground yet. One of his men holds my arms back while Bill continues to punch me. In the face, in the stomach, in the groin(that one hurt).

"Next time remember who your messing with boy. I'll be back in a week and I expect you to have my money." He spits before the guy let's me go and I fall to the floor coughing blood and clutching my stomach.

"Ponyboy!" Soda shouts. Despite all the pain I'm in I manage to lift my face up to a smile.

"What the fuck are you smiling about Ponyboy?" Two-bit asks.

"It sucks to be tough." I laugh

~First one Yay. I'm taking suggestions for One-shots any ideas or anything. Let me know people.~

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