7| çhance

16 1 4

7| çhance

I wake up to the sound of monitors beeping each second, which is quite irritating. There is something sticking out of my arm, and I can tell because I can feel it.

I open my eyes and find myself in a brightly lit hospital room. I try to sit up but the tubes sticking out of me tug at my insides and I immediately lay back down again.

Keeping my head back, I try to look down at my body. I'm in a blue hospital gown. It's soft on my skin and much more better than my other clothes that were dirty and torn. My fingernails are still filthy from when I tried to escape Niall. I stare at the tub sticking out of my wrists, connected to a bag full of blood next to me.

It then hits me. Now is my chance to escape for good.

I wince as I reach for the white button next to my bed that will call a nurse in. In thirty seconds, a nurse dressed in white walks in, awfully cheery. She is gorgeous, with dark brown hair and matching dark skin. Her eyelashes are long and flare out, lining her big grey eyes.

"Hello, lovely! How are you feeling?" She asks as she wheels in a tray of containers that I assume has food in it. I'm starving but now is not the time.

I grab the nurse's hand in a pleading way and pull her closer. Her smile doesn't falter. "Please, you've got to help me." I say quietly, my voice shaking.

"We already did sweetie. You didn't lose your foot don't worry. We saved it." She says.

"No, listen. I've been kidnapped. Call the cops, please!"

Just before the nurse can open her mouth, there is a knock on the door. I immediately tense up, feeling terrified.

"Come in!" The nurse chirps and the door opens.

I feel like shooting myself when Harry walks in with a fake smile on his face. I've seen his real smile before, when he's being mean or I say something back to him. It defiantly doesn't look like that.

I grab the nurse's hand hand once more, and she stumbles. "Please get him away from here, please!" I panic but the nurse pulls her hand away.

Harry steps closer to us. He pulls his hands out of his denim jacket's pockets and places a hand on the nurse's shoulder. "Thanks Teegan. You can leave now." Teegan stares at Harry like she wants him. The way Harry talks to her makes it seem like the two have had a thing once or twice before.

I stare dumbfounded. Of course. Of course Harry wouldn't take me to an actual hospital.

"You fucker!" I screech once Teegan is gone.

Harry chuckles. "Wow. Not used to hearing you use that sort of language."

"Why are you doing this to me?" I hold my hands against my face and lean forward, breaking into hysterics. "I'm sick of this, just kill me already!"

"Be patient. Not long to go now." Harry says, showing no sympathy at all.

I look up at him, angry now. Staring him in the eyes, I swiftly pull out the drip that was filling me with blood that I lost, and the blood starts to pour out. Completely forgetting about my leg, I throw myself out of the bed only to collapse onto the floor, groaning in pain. Harry, who knew I wouldn't go far, causally walks over and towers over me, smirking.

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