12| ḩurt

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12| ḩurt


I wake up to my phone going off. When I open my eyes at first, I see Alice sprawled over my chest, but I know this wasn't the position we went to sleep in. She's been doing this every single night, even when I used to chain her up she would still manage to cuddle up to my body. Of course it's not out of love or anything, she's not even awake to know she's doing it.

I reach my arm over to the bedside table and grab my phone, and just as always, Alice moves off me but she's still in deep sleep.

I look at the caller ID. Louis.

I swipe to answer and press the phone to my ear. "Yeah?" I'm a bit taken back at how groggy my voice sounds.

"Styles, come now." Louis sounds angry and I wince. Does he know about last night? Did that fucker tell him? I should of killed him when I had the chance. He's lucky he survived the bullet to the back.

"Now? Can't I get coffee-"

"Harry." Louis roars and I sigh.

"Alright, alright. I'm coming now." I hang up before he can say anything and throw my phone onto my bedside table. I pull myself out of bed and brush my teeth before throwing on a  white shirt and black skinny jeans. I skip the flannel and denim jacket. Before I walk over to the door, I quickly look over at Alice. She looks so calm and innocent when she sleeps.

I'd never seen anyone so terrified, so heartbroken in my life until last night. The way she collapsed to the ground in a sobbing heap and the way she started hyperventilating scared me. All for a couple of strangers she didn't even know. She has a good heart.

As I walk towards Louis' office, I run my fingers through my hair, pushing the curls up at the front. I forgot to put on my headband, which is really helpful in keeping my hair out of my face. It was starting to grow a bit longer, and getting in the way more than ever.

"Morning Harry." Liam tries to keep up with me.

"Get me a medium sized coffee. Black." I tell him as I walk and he nods before scurrying away.

I enter Louis' office without knocking. He stands up as soon as he sees me. He looks mad but I'm equally as mad.

"Please sit down." Louis says in a stern tone. I obey and take a seat across from him. He stays standing and leans over to his desk draw, using a key to open the first drawer up.

Louis pulls out a folded white piece of paper. He tosses it over to me and I catch it. I raise an eyebrow at him. Louis has a look on his face that's a mix of heartbreak and disappointment. "It's from Seth."

So this is not about last night, thankfully. Niall must not have told him or Louis might just not care.

I take in a sharp breath through my teeth as I unfold the paper. I can feel Louis' eyes on me.

I'm so caught up in wondering what the note says but the office door suddenly opens and I'm actually startled for once in my life. Louis and I turn our heads and glare at Liam for being so hard on the door.

"S-Sorry." Liam nervously hands me the coffee but before he can leave, I speak.

"Liam." Liam turns around, frowning nervously. "Thanks."

Serendipitous (Harry Styles) [BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now