Chapter 20

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Things weren’t the same. I was constantly looking over my shoulder when I left the house, which was rarely now a days. It had been 3 weeks since Conor had told me about the whole situation I was in. even though he told me he’d keep me safe, I couldn’t believe him I mean, why should I? The last time I left the house was just…awful…

2 Weeks Earlier

I closed the door behind me and pulled up my hood as it was raining. I had run out of milk and was in dying need of a cuppa. I tried to put it off as much as possible but milk-less teas were just disgusting and made me feel sick. I walked down my road and made my way into town. It was 7:00 in the evening so there was not much traffic and few people around. I walked into the small Waitrose only 15 minutes away from my house and grabbed two large cartons of milk. ‘Now I won’t be back here for a while’ I said to myself. I handed over the money to the cashier lady with the nametag, ‘Jennifer’ on it and soon made my way out of the little shop. I was walking at a faster speed than normal, desperately trying to get back to the comfort of my home when I heard someone shout out behind me. I glanced behind me and saw someone running towards me. I quickly picked up my pace and before I knew it I was sprinting down the road, I dropped my bag of milk on the floor and continued to sprint but my breathing was becoming breathless and ragged. I tripped over a pot hole on the pavement and came crashing to the floor, feeling a stinging sensation in both of my hands. I began to get back up again but it was too late. The hooded figure was right in front of me and pulled down their hood. My eyes flushed a deep red as I realization struck me and noticed it had only been ‘Jennifer’ the cashier who was chasing me. She was puffing in and out large breathes of air.

“You forgot your change dumb ass…and you dropped your mild, why the fuck were you running away from me anyway?!” I took the milk and change from her hand and sighed to myself.

“I’m so sorry…I thought you were…someone else…Thanks for giving me my change back.” She rolled her eyes at me and began fast walking back down the road. Well that couldn’t have been any more embarrassing than it already was. I turned around and began walking back towards my house. “Stop being so paranoid (Y/N)…” I muttered to myself as I continued walking in the rain.

I sat in my living room curled up on the sofa watching ‘New Moon’. I was expecting Conor any minute now as he wanted to spend the evening with me. Edward Cullen’s face flashed across the screen and it was my favourite part of the movie, he was leaving this stupid hoes ass once and for all. “This is the last time you'll ever see me. I won't come back. And you can go on with your life...without any interference from me. It will be like...I never existed,

I promise.” There was a knock at my door so I paused the movie at my favourite part, I sighed but got up to answer the door for Conor.

I opened the door and didn’t look at Conor straight away; I was staring at Edwards face on the TV. “I hope you don’t mind Con, I started watching New moon without you.” I turned to the door and my eyes widened. “W-Who are you?” The mysterious man at the door gave me a wicked smile and took off his hat he was wearing on top of his head.

“Well hello there (Y/N),” I stared at the man in shock.

“Who are you?! You’re not Conor! And…how do you know my name…?” The man let out an evil laugh and I was scared of him.

“I think you’d best come with me!” The man clamped one hand around my mouth and led me into the back of his car. He popped the boot open and pulled out some rope that was laying there. He tied my hands and legs together then finished the job by putting masking tape over my mouth to stop me from screaming for help. The man shoved my in the boot and I was suddenly welcomed by the darkness…

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