《The British Really Are Stubborn》

265 13 0

Rating: NSFW
Warning: None
Additional tags: post-sex, pre-sex, human!AU, groping, mild language

A series of pants and moans filled the air. Clothes were sprawled over the floor. Sweat canvassed the bed sheets along with other fluids.
"You really outdid yourself today, love. Were you hyped up on sugar or something?" Arthur asked, still heaving.
"What are you talking about? I didn't even eat any candy today." Alfred retorted making a face at the Brit that screamed, you're such an asshole.

Arthur stifled a chuckle. He enjoyed pulling at the other's leg and teasing him from time to time. It was Arthur's way of showing affection to the blue eyed American. Arthur managed to get himself into the sitting position, with a minimal pain shooting up his back. Damn it all, this was going to be a bother later in the day. "Hey, love, I'm going to take a shower now alright?" Arthur poked at the other. Somehow the other was half asleep in under ten seconds. Alfred moaned in response to indicate that he was listening. The Briton rolled his eyes. An actual answer, with words and all, every so often would be appreciated.

The blonde swung his legs over the edge of the bed and slowly stood up. Another shot of electric like pain zipped up his spin. Alfred really did over do it this round.
Eventually, Arthur made it over to the bathroom. He turned the nozzle and let the water run a little. Once the water felt like the right temperature, Arthur hopped in (not worrying about clothes, not like he was wearing any) ready to rid himself of the all the dirt and grime from his skin. Luckily Alfred didn't disturb the peace Arthur was enjoying. Normally, Alfred would try to be sneaky and jump in with Arthur whenever he got the chance. Not this time, thankfully. His shower didn't take very much time. Maybe 20 minutes or less. Even so, Arthur was out and dried off.

He ruffled his hair in the towel to soak up the excess water and after gave a sharp shake to be extra sure. Arthur wrapped his towel around his waist. On a nearby table by the shower he reached for the clothes. It wasn't until he touched the wood of it where I remembered that he had forgot to get a fresh change. Well this is bloody perfect. Then he noticed a piece of blue clothing hanging on the metal rack on the other side of the bathroom. Arthur took it off the rack and held it up. The shirt was much too big for him. Well, it was clothing after all. Arthur refused to go out there naked, so he slipped the garment over his head. He believed there were times when wearing clothes weren't necessary and times when they are. This was a time where they were. Once Arthur was completely wearing the clothing the shirt seemed much larger than he anticipated. It even had a symbol in the middle of the infamous Captain America that slipped Arthur's gaze at first glance. This is obviously was one of Alfred's shirts. The end seam was able to reach his mid-thigh, the sleeves barely hung over his elbows, and the neck hole was slipping off his shoulders. Though, the material it was made of was soft and very comfortable against Arthur's skin. The Brit couldn't go wrong with that.

Arthur shrugged and discarded the thought of how he looked at the moment. It was comfortable, it was cozy, and most importantly Arthur enjoyed it. He had nothing to lose. Arthur unlocked the bathroom door and pushed it open. A cold feel washed over from bot room's temperature. "Are you up, love? I'm finished with the shower if you'd like to hop in." Arthur realized that Alfred was still in bed. Alfred was completely covered in the blankets all Arthur could see from the bathroom door frame was the top of Alfred's wheat colored hair and his cowlick sticking out. Arthur sighed, as he strolled over to the sleeping figure. "For god's sake Alfred, get up and get cleaned up. You can't stay in those dirty bed sheets all day." This time Arthur poked at Alfred's side making him jump under the covers. That earned Arthur a groan in response.
"Do I have to?"
"Yes, you dumbass. Hygiene is important."
"But I don't wanna―" Alfred peeked his eyes from underneath the covers, "Hey isn't that my shirt you're wearing?"
"Is it?"
"Well it does have my favorite Marvel superhero on it. Of course it's mine! Give it back Arthur! That's my favorite one!" Alfred, finally, sitting fully up and almost fell off the edge trying the reach for the piece of clothing. Although Alfred did admit to himself that the shirt looked rather good on Arthur.
"It's just a shirt Alfred! Stop being so grabby, you're going to hurt yourself. Plus, I like this shirt. It's nice and comfortable. So, in conclusion you aren't getting it back."
Alfred has known that his entire time dating Arthur. If the Brit likes a piece of clothing Alfred wears, it's most likely there was no returning it. Alfred let out a huff of air in defeat. Arguing about this would just make his fall more dramatic. Better to let the Brit have his victory. "Fine, it's yours." Even though throwing in the towel Alfred gave a teasing glare that the other. Arthur gave Alfred a smug smirk.

Alfred hung his legs over the bedside, a little bit of the covers remained on his lower half. "I'm going to take a shower now. But first I need something."
"What do you need? I'll get it when you clean yourself."
Alfred beckoned Arthur closer as if what he wanted to tell the other was a secret between the two of them. When Arthur was close enough in arm lengths, Alfred grabbed the other and yanked Arthur into a kiss.
A few seconds went by before Arthur processed what was happening. He tore his lips from the contact of the other, but Alfred refused to let Arthur get away so easily. Alfred brought the other's lips back to his own in a battle. At first it was more of Arthur trying to put some distance between them, then it shifted to more moans and a more compliant Arthur. The Brit moaned as Alfred let off on the forceful kissing and eased into the loving more kind kissing. Alfred ran his tongue over the other's bottom lip, in which Arthur immediately cracked his lips open for the other's tongue to slip in. Alfred ran the muscle over Arthur's teeth and brushed up against the sides of Arthur's mouth. Arthur let out too many moans from this. This was bad. Alfred was going for a second round of the day. Arthur's mind kept going off like an alarm telling him to stop, but his body said otherwise. His tongue danced with Alfred's, both battling to show their dominance. It ended in a draw. Alfred withdrew, trailing beads of saliva. Alfred gave a sinister grin, "Like that dontcha?" Arthur whined meaning, yes, I love it, more please.
"Good. But I can't just stay in one place, now can I?" Alfred hands started to trail up, starting from the base of Arthur's hip. Onc Alfred got a hold of Arthur's lower back, he quickly pulled Arthur down to the side of him, spinning one hundred and eighty degrees, so he'd land on his back. The momentum also made Alfred change positions. By the time Arthur's back hit the bed, Alfred was kneeling in between Arthur's legs. Where he also had a very nice view from his angle.
"Y-You git, don't stare right there." Arthur managed to stutter, in all the commotion. "C-Can you just get on with it already?"
"Now what ever happened to teasing your significant other without actual penetration?" Arthur blushed wildly after that remark. Damn, this guy. I hate him so much.
Alfred pressed his lips against the inside of Arthur's thigh. He ran his lips over the soft skin, farther and farther up, nipping in sensitive place every so often that made Arthur twitch in pleasure every time. Alfred passed the other's throbbing member, which Arthur gave a displeased sound almost kicking Alfred in the crotch out of annoyance.
Alfred now was practically laying across Arthur's lower half and slowly worked his way up to the other's nipples. He pinched and lightly twisted both of them. Arthur arched immensely to the point of lifting his legs so he would unintentionally hurt his back. Soon a garment was discarded to the side when Alfred started to suckle the pink flesh on Arthur's chest. Arthur's hands got tangled in Alfred's golden hair. More moans and pleads of pleasure escaped the Brit mouth. Even eyes were needed to be closed because of the pleasure that was being received. Amazing. Soon after, a tongue was traced down Arthur's stomach and stopping at the well defined hip bone. Alfred nipped and bit hard in that area leaving teeth marks and making the skin color change to a dark red.
Then it all stopped. Arthur felt nothing on his skin. No soft lips or a rough tongue. Nothing. Arthur opened his eyes to find Alfred gone, almost as if he disappeared. Did I just vividly fantasize that? Hell no, that was too good to be a fantasy. Arthur sat up to the cold air from the nearby window. That wasn't open before. Shit! That smug bastard!
Meanwhile, Alfred was in the next room, wearing his favorite blue Captain America shirt. The American was definitely going to get a good kickass for leaving Arthur like that later in the day.

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