《Us Against The World》

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You and I we've been at it so long but still got the strongest fire.

"What the hell, Arthur! Why are you still mad at me?!" Alfred's screaming words rang through my house. I could tell that he was really pissed at me for bringing up the subject of the Revolutionary War between us. We both promised the day we got together that we'd never talk about it again.

"Because you idiot! You never seem to quit talking about it!" I yelled and complained right back at him. With a quick turn on my heel I tried to leave the room but Alfred was too fast and caught me by the arm, stopping me.

"Dude! Why can't you let it go? It was hundreds of years ago!" The American said.

"Because it's not that easy! After you became independent I felt, sometimes, that the world was and still is against me. You were the only one I had left..." Tears started to roll down my cheeks. Jerking my arm out of his grasp I made a run for my room. I just wanted to get away from Alfred. The tension in the atmosphere was just too much to continue talking with him, with me bursting into a river of tears.

I guess I was the one who brought it up. So why was I so worked up? Maybe because it's just me? But why wasn't he crying also? That war was also scarring for him. He was probably more torn up on the inside then I was.

Finally getting to my room I dashed in and slammed the door behind me, not bothering to turn the lights on, and face planted onto my bed. My tears leaked into the threads of the sheets. I curled up into a ball as I rolled to my side. Two seconds later there was a low knock on my door. "Arthur? Please, can I come in?" The voice asked, and me giving silence as the answer. Of course it was my bloody git of a boyfriend, Alfred. Honestly I would damn myself if I let him come in and see me in this state. "Arthur? I'm coming in..." The American told me. As the door opened I could hear the hinges creak and I felt the bright hallway lights touch me face.

"Artie... I'm sorry if I made you upset. Please forgive me?" He asked kindly. Alfred sat on the edge of the bed and slowly ran his finger through my blonde hair.

I had finally stopped crying. Even when I'm upset and yelling at him he always finds a way to stay calm and collected. How ever he does it it works really well. "Artie...?" I couldn't look him in those icy blue eyes of his. If I did I would definitely start sobbing again.

In an instant I felt my body being lifted up and pulled into an embrace. "I'm really sorry Arthur. I didn't mean to upset you. I really didn't. So please forgive me." It was interesting really to hear him apologize. I'd expect that he would have been more angry at me for the way I was acting instead. Dumb struck I just stayed silent. But I could hear the sincerity in his voice. I wanted to forgive him but the got stuck in my throat.

His grasp weakened and then he let me go. "If you want me to leave you alone then I'll leave." And with those words he left me back alone in the darkness of my room. Why did you go? I never said I wanted you to leave. Without Alfred by my side I felt a surge of loneliness. I threw myself at the door pulling it open to reveal the bright light I now hated. Where could he have gone? Alfred? Please don't leave again. Different thoughts darted in and out of my head. But the only thought I was mainly focusing on was finding Alfred.

Passing the window that out looked the garden, I saw him sitting on the bench twiddling what seemed to look like a flower in between his fingers.

I ran to him. Not caring about anything else. All I wanted was to feel his strong arm around me.

"Arthur... Wha-?" I cut him off by basically tackling him with a hug. "Alfred-" I weeped, "please don't leave me alone!" Again tears fell. I wasn't sure if Alfred was smiling or not but I had a feeling he was.

I soon felt a warm pair of arms wrap around my waist. Followed by soft lips that graced my forehead with a kiss. "You have no need to worry, Artie. I will never leave you alone. I will always be by your side no matter the circumstance." Kindness. That's what Alfred reminded me of. He was always kind to me even when I was in the foulest of moods. It was nice to know someone still cares for me. "Hey Alfred?" I whispered.
"What is it, Artie?" He responded while starting to stroke my messy hair.
"You know I love you. And when I'm with you I feel so invincible. And you are my one and only hero!"
The American smiled. Not once had I called him my hero. But this time I really did need a hero. And he will always be mine.

~The End~

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