Meeting Johnny C.

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Dear Die-ary,

Today I went to the mall. I know that doesn't sound like much, but what I saw there is what I'm writing about. This girl walked in Rot Topic and the people there stopped staring at me and started teasing her. It wasn't even deserved. All she did was walk in with jeans and a shirt that was kind like mine. But there was no logo. She just ignored them and asked the girl at the counter if she had a certain CD, I forget which band. And the counter girl just stared and said "Why? It's not like your gonna need it, you suicidal bitch." The girl just looked down and walked out. It wasn't fair and it reminded me of how I get teased. I felt so bad for her that I murdered everyone that said mean shit to her. Well, they said shit to me as well, but that kinda made it better because it was like double revenge. It's not like I care for her, but it's something to write about.

I put down my die-ary and looked around. I didn't see anything new so I decided to track down that girl. Some people were talking about her being cursed because her house number was 666. When I heard that I had to keep from laughing. She lived in the house number for hell and I lived in the house number for heaven. I don't think I should confront her just yet, but I doubt she'll be awake anyway. It's 1:00 in the morning. I should pick up a brain freezy on the way there. I like brain freezies.

*Z?* time skip because cherry fizwiz is good *Z?*

I got to her house and it surprised me that all her lights were on and she was sitting on her couch drinking a cherry fizwiz. Oh well. I'll just wait until she falls asleep.

*Z?* at 5:00 am *Z?*

Her alarm clocked beeped. She turned it off and went to get ready for whatever she needed to. I left her house to go to my own. She didn't sleep at all. It was almost like she didn't want to sleep. And why did she keep glancing at her shadow like she was afraid it would come alive and stab her? Maybe I'll ask her tomorrow. Maybe.

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now