Killing Stratigies Over Tacos

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(A/n): now we will start with the POV switches.... Srry but Nny has his opinions too.

*Z?* your pov*Z?*

I went to the back and got all the stuff to make, like, 30 tacos. No, not all for me. Half for Nny. I figured that if I was nice to him he won't tease me. At least, not as much. I walk back to him and set the tray down.

"Eat up." I say. He looks at the tray and just sits there. I'm starting to worry I did something wrong when he looks up at me.

"How did you know I like tacos?" He asks. I point out that this is a taco place and I found him here.

"Fair enough. Anyway, do you know the best way to kill someone with a spork? Rip out their guts then stab out their eyes."

"What? No, the BEST way is to stick the spork in their eye then turn it 35 degrees clockwise then turn it 17.5 degrees counterclockwise then angle it north and rip out their eye in one swift move. Then gut them." I said. Nny looked surprised. I guess I creeped him out. But I was proud of my strategy. It took me years to develop.

*Z?* Nny's pov*Z?*

I loved her strategy. It was bound to teach the pests called humans a lesson. I went over to a corpse that, for some reason, still had both eyes and demonstrated the technique she had explained.
"Like this?" I said. She came over and held her hand out. I gave her the spork.

"No, like this." She did the same thing but faster and with more grace.

"Your right. That is a better strategy." I said. She thanked me and went back to her half of the tacos. I wanted to get to know her more, which went against my better nature. Definitely. But I had to thank her somehow.

"Wanna go practice on some living people back at my place?" I asked. To my surprise she said yes. This is going to be odd.

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now