Meeting Squee

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*Z?* Nny's pov*Z?*

Before I took her to my house, I introduced her to Squee. They got along pretty well. Squee didn't squee as much. Which is good. Right now she's playing with him and Shmee. She looks really uncomfortable around that bear. I don't blame her. He tells lies.

*Z?* your pov*Z?*

Well fuck me. I don't like kids. I don't like bears. Hell, I don't even like hide and seek. I'm just being nice because Squee looks really scared and I was on protect or die duty, which is protecting kids, back when I was still in heaven. I hate Earth. Wow I hate a lot of shit apparently. Any way Squee was counting and I just hid behind Nny.... Again. Squee found me almost immediately.

"Found you!" He said. I laughed. He was cute for a kid.

"I thought I had you that time." I said. Then Squee yawned and Nny put him to bed and we walked over to his house.

"Your good with kids, (Y/n)." Nny said. I blushed. I hated to admit it, but I was very fond of Squee. I just nodded. We spent the rest of the night talking about Squee. Then I stretched and my wings kinda moved wrong and were visible for, like, half of a second. But of course Nny noticed. Shit.

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now