Kittens and Birds

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A/N: ok, i was looking for motivation to write and i found this random short story i wrote forever ago. it creeped me out when i read it, so i thought it'd be at least something for you guys during his dry spell me writing has taken. thank you everyone for understanding my absence, i really appreciate it. Anyways, on to the short story.... tbh i dont remember writing this XD

She was never normal. She blended in well, but she was different. Since she was a little girl, playing in my front yard, there was always something sinister about her...... interests. She wasn't like other little girls her age, but I thought it was just a phase and that she would grow out of it. Boy, was I wrong. She had always had a fascination with dead things. She would constantly pick up dead birds and kittens (we lived next door to a woman who killed the kittens her cats had as a population control) and bring them in the house. I knew she didn't understand they were dead, and I never had enough courage in me to tell her. I suppose that's why she turned out the way she did, but anyway when she brought them home, she would make beds and nests for them, and when they started to rot she would take them to the stream behind our house and make a boat for them and send them downstream. It would've been sweet, if she had shown emotion. Her face had never seen a smile or tears, and she barely spoke. She was very independent, and could feed and wash herself by six, and by seven she had learned to stitch herself up. I never enrolled her in school, I was worried what she might do if someone teased her, but when she was fourteen the authorities made me enroll her in the local high school. Her first day she came home and told me that if she was forced to go for the rest of the year she would do something I would regret. She gave me a week to take her out of school. I wasn't able to. The Monday she went back, I got a phone call from the police. She had murdered her entire class and most of her teachers. When I asked where she was, they said she had run off into the forest. That was the first time she killed. After that she went on a spree, starting from the east side of the town, heading towards our house, on the west side. I know she's coming for me. I know she's saving me for last. I know the police won't be able to stop her. I don't care, I was going to die sooner or later, and getting killed by my little sister doesn't seem so bad, maybe she'll send me downstream like the kittens and birds, maybe not. You must be wondering how I know it's her doing all the killing, she leaves a kitten or a bird on the wall when she kills someone. They were all over the classrooms when she killed her teachers and classmates. She draws them with whatever is on hand, sometimes blood sometimes something else. I see her outside, she's waiting in the tree swing I built her when she was three. I have to go now, I'll see you in hell. Oh, and just a heads up, don't trust a girl with brown hair, green eyes, about 5'4", with a tattoo of a kitten and bird curled up next to each other over her heart, and an empty expression. Her name is Zachránce, and if you see her, you will die within the week. Good luck.

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now