Heaven Canine

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A/n: First I would like to say thank you for all your support and kind words. I've been going through a really rough time lately and just haven't had the time, inspiration, or right mental place to continue for awhile. Any who, I hope you guys enjoy, bc you are what keep this story alive even if it's not being updated. As long as people read a book, it never stops living. Thank you.

~ March 29th, 1971. Year of the naked man orchid~

Dear Diary,
  It's been a trying 9 months, but I'm so happy that the moment I've been waiting for has finally arrived. I'll be a mother at last, and to a beautiful baby boy no less! My husband and I were ecstatic when the doctor told us we were having a boy, that means we can keep our baby as long as he lives. We're planning on naming him Sean, after his great grandfather on my side. We're heading to the hospital tomorrow to induce labor and welcome our little baby boy Sean to the world.
                      - Selena O'Hare

*Z?* (y/n)'s POV *Z?*

"Hey Sean, how've you been girl?" I pet my Irish labs head and tried to keep her from licking my eyes.

I hear footsteps, and Johnny appears at the door. "(Y/n), we gotta go where are- is that a dog? You are not bringing a dog in my house." That's what he thinks. "Hey asshole, she isn't just a dog. Her name is Sean, and she's a Heaven Canine. She's one of three in existence and the only one to have lived this long." He looked at me strangely, as if I was the homicidal maniac. "Isn't Sean a boy's name?" I rolled my eyes and said "So what? It's an old family name and I've always been pretty unconventional for our modern times. But anyway, either Sean comes with us or I'm going to expose you to that weird chihuahua that always seems to follow you around." I wouldn't actually, but I needed something to negotiate with. "Fine. She can come, but she stays on ground level. I don't want dog hair and slobber all over my house." I smiled knowing I'd won, and we set out for Johnny's house. We had been walking for awhile, and I suddenly realized that nothing looked familiar. Like, at all. Well fuck.

Johnny The Homicidal Maniac X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now