Harry sits by his flower garden and reads his book. It's about a girl in an abusive relationship, but it starts on the night she leaves and goes back in time until the last chapter is when they first meet.
It's an interesting way of writing it and Harry relates to the girl in the story. He can see her side of things and understand what she's describing. Of course, his situation is better because he's actually loved and you can tell in this book the man doesn't actually love her.
Harry doesn't understand how she can't see that he's not treating her right and how what he does isn't about love. He'd never stay somewhere he didn't feel loved. That's why he's with Ricky and not his mother.
He startles when a chocolate hits his arm. He looks down at it and jumps again as another one lands on the open page of his book. He looks to the left and a chocolate hits him in the forehead and a small laugh is heard.
He glares at the boy throwing them and the boy pouts at Harry's harsh look. He lifts his hand to throw another chocolate and Harry raises his brows as if to dare him. He lowers his hand again.
"Forgive me? I'm throwing you apology kisses," Louis speaks and Harry purses his lips and tries not to laugh at the boy.
"Go away," Harry tells him and Louis frowns and throws another chocolate at him.
"No. I'll throw them at you until you forgive me," Louis explains and Harry rolls his eyes and stands up.
"I'm leaving," he tells him and Louis frowns and moves forward.
"I'm sorry I crossed a line. I'm just trying to be your friend," he rushes out and Harry closes his eyes.
"I don't need friends," he whispers. It's something Ricky told him. Ricky promised to be everything Harry needs.
"Everyone needs friends. I won't ask any more questions, okay? We can just like sit around and tell jokes and you can drink with all of us," Louis tries and Harry shakes his head.
"I don't drink."
"We have juice boxes," Louis offers and Harry actually smiles at that and slightly turns to face him. Louis smiles wide at seeing him move.
Harry again admires just the beauty of him. He loves Ricky yes, but Louis is incredibly better to look at. He's small and fit and his cheekbones are sharp and his eyes clear and blue. Harry wishes he looked like him and not like his boring, plain self.
"I'm not like cool. You probably don't want to be my friend," Harry slowly admits and Louis looks taken aback at his comment.
"What? If I didn't want to be your friend I wouldn't have went out and bought kisses to throw at you," Louis tells him seriously and Harry looks down at his feet.
"You felt bad and you shouldn't have. It's fine," Harry promises and he hears a scoff and looks up to see the boy giving him a sassy look.
"Shut up. I felt bad yes, but that's because I wanted to be your friend and then hurt your feelings. Stop thinking you know what I'm thinking," Louis firmly tells him.
"Sorry," Harry quickly apologizes. It's a habit he's gotten into. If someone gets stern it's his fault and he needs to apologize. Arguing leads to punishment, it always has.
"I accept your apology if you accept mine," Louis grins and Harry shyly smiles and shrugs his shoulders.
"Sounds fair, I'll accept that."
Louis cheers at Harry's forgiveness and Harry feels this warmth spread through his heart. It's nice to have someone be excited about him. He used to get that, but now it's rare.
"What're you reading?" Louis asks, pointing to Harry's book. Harry looks down and decides it's okay if he talks to the boy a little longer. Ricky won't be home for awhile. Harry starts to explain it and Louis listens intently. Harry doesn't even know when they sit down next to the flowers again or when the conversation switches from his book to other books to movies.
They both just sit and talk about things they like or don't like and nibble on the chocolate kisses. Harry enjoys talking to Louis. He enjoys how the boy actually listens and just doesn't wait for his turn to talk. He enjoys how he moves his hands and his eyes light up as he explains something he really likes.
Louis recommends books and series to Harry and he gives reviews. He's read a lot of classics thanks to his literature major and Harry is captivated by his intelligence and the way he can make any story sound exciting and worthy.
Harry tells him about flowers too. He shows off his garden and lets Louis pick some flowers to bring home. He feels comfortable with the boy and he doesn't realize his little while is gone until Ricky storms to the yard.
"Why are you here?" He snaps at Louis. Harry jumps at the harshness of his tone and Louis frowns and slowly stands up.
"Just visiting. Harry and I were discussing-"
"Get off my property. You and Harry are done discussing," Ricky cuts him off. Harry looks down at his feet and doesn't say a word.
"Calm down. I was just keeping him company," Louis defends himself and Harry wants to scream at him to shut up and leave. The longer he argues the more trouble Harry will get in.
"He's doesn't need your company. Leave," Ricky demands.
"Whatever, asshole. Bye, Harry, it was nice talking to you," Louis says before he starts to walk away. Harry just continues to sit and look down. He's scared to even breathe too loud.
"In the house," Ricky instructs and Harry jumps to his feet and scurries into the dark house. He prepares himself for the screaming as soon as the door shuts, but the room is dead silent. He slowly turns to face Ricky and when he looks at him his face gets slapped.
"You're a slut. You've always been a slut and I won't take it. Don't you ever talk to that man again," Ricky spits at him. Harry tries to force away his tears as he holds his red, swollen cheek.
"I didn't do anything," - Harry cries - "I was lonely because you've been gone. I just wanted a friend."
"Don't talk back to me!" - Ricky bellows - "you don't need friends! You don't need anyone except me! No one is going to love you except me! Don't you understand that?!"
Harry cries more as the man shouts and he curls into himself. He hates when they fight and he hates when he gets angry. Harry knows it's because he loves him and he doesn't want him hurt again, but this is hurting him.
"I'm sorry. I won't talk to him," Harry promises. Ricky let's out loud breaths as he calms himself down and Harry just stands there as his tears fall silently.
"I love you and I don't want you to leave me. They all want to take you away. Do you want to leave?" Ricky asks him softly. Harry shakes his head quickly and flinches as Ricky reaches out to touch him.
"Don't flinch," he says through grit teeth and Harry nods and lets the man pull him into his chest.
"You're my everything. You can't leave me or I'll have nothing to live for," Ricky whispers and Harry nods and buries himself in his chest. "You love me, right?"
"Yeah. I love you," Harry mumbles out. And then he remembers about the book on the counter and thinks maybe he's the girl that stayed after all.

Magic || larry
Fanfiction••complete 2016•• harry has an abusive boyfriend and louis moves next door