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Harry has never been to a party. He probably could've in high school but with everything that happened school parties weren't high on his list. He can hear Louis singing in the washroom across the hall as he showers and Harry picks at his shirt.

He's wearing a plain red flannel and his jeans have holes in the knees. He decides when he gets a job he's going to go shopping and then figure everything else out. Clothes and helping pay back Louis will be his first priorities.

"Are you decent?" Louis calls outside the door.

"Yes," Harry calls back and Louis opens up and enters in only his briefs. Harry tries to look away but he can't. Louis' small body is perfectly tan and his arms and legs are toned. Harry takes in his thighs and his ass and he feels like he shouldn't be so into looking at him but he his.

"Should we match? I can wear my flannel too," Louis laughs as he looks in his closet. Harry wonders if Louis likes that Harry is looking at him. It's not like he can't tell Harry is basically drooling at the sight of him right now.

"Sure," Harry tells him, looking down at his feet. He can hear the ruffle of clothing and he looks up to see Louis sliding into jeans and then throwing a graphic tee on and then his flannel.

"What're parties like?" Harry asks, his eyes not leaving Louis. The man hums as he rolls up his sleeves and then he sits next to Harry on the bed. Harry can smell his shampoo still on his hair and he wants to nuzzle into him but he refrains.

"Depends on who's throwing them. This one will be chill. Some drinking, maybe some smoking and music. Nothing crazy like on tv," Louis promises him and Harry nods, thinking about what Louis said.

"And you'll stay with me to start?" Harry wonders and Louis smiles as he stands and then he grabs Harry's hand and pulls him to his feet and into his arms.

"I'll stay with you the whole time. Let's go see if the others are ready," he suggests and Harry trails behind him, Louis holding his hand still.

They make it down the stairs and Harry can hear Liam and Niall before he sees them. They're in the kitchen wrestling and Harry gasps as they knock over a glass of juice and it shatters on the floor.

"Are you two 5?! What are you doing?" Sophia pushes passed Harry and Louis and puts her hands on her hips. Niall looks at the ground but Liam steps forward.

"Babe, it was an accident," he tries but she raises her brows and glares.

"Clean this up and stop acting like monkey's," she warns and Niall grins.

"Dicks out for Harambe," he mutters and Louis purses his lips as Liam shoves him.

"He was a gorilla, you idiot," Liam scolds him as Sophia shakes her head.

"Hasn't that died yet?" Louis asks as she leaves the room.

"He'll never die. He's a legend," Niall nods and this makes Harry snort.

"Shut up," Liam groans as he picks up large pieces of the glass and starts to throw them out. Niall rolls his eyes but grabs the broom and a cloth to clean up the juice.

"After they're done that we can go," Sophia says behind them and Harry turns to look at her. Her hair is straightened and her makeup is simple but flawless.

Louis just looks over at the two boys finishing up and starts to walk to the door to put on his shoes. Harry follows after him and he finds his old brown boots that slide effortlessly onto his feet. The other three come bickering into the front not long after and Harry catches something about Sophia not being Niall's mom as they walk out the front door and to the car.

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