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"I'll board up that window if you keep looking through it all the time," Louis remarks from his desk. Harry's head snaps back to the room instantly and his cheeks flush with being caught.

"I wasn't looking," he lies badly and Louis looks up at him, his glasses resting perfectly on his face.

"Are you really going to lie to me in my own room? Like I can't see you peaking out there when in sitting two feet away?" Louis questions, his smirk so stupidly attractive Harry looks down at his lap.

"What if he looks up one day?" Harry whispers, confiding in Louis like he always does. Louis stops what he's doing and bites his lip as he thinks. Harry watches him through his lashes, mesmerized by how someone can look so strong and protective, yet cute and small at the same time.

"We're done with the window tonight, okay? If he looks through you're not going to be looking," Louis states and Harry scrunches his nose.

"Are you actually going to board it up?" Harry asks with slight curiosity and Louis snorts, shutting his laptop.

"Don't be silly. We're building a fort. It will block the window and keep you away from the evil troll outside," Louis tells him cheerfully and Harry cracks a smile and shakes his head.

"Alright, and how will we make this fort?" Harry wonders and Louis just grabs his blanket off the floor and holds it up.

"Blankets! I think there's more in the closet in the hall. I'll grab them."

Harry watches him run out of the room and his first instinct is to look out the window again. See if he can catch a glance at Ricky, see if he's looking. He stops himself though. He's not over there. He's here with Louis and they're going to build a fort.

Louis returns quickly with a pile in his hands and Harry grins as he throws them on the floor and then flops down on top of them. Harry shuffles forward on the bed and Louis looks up at him from the floor.

Their connection is so strange. At times Harry can't help but think of their kiss and the words Louis said to him. How pure and easy he said them to Harry like he truly knew where his heart belonged. Then there are times when Harry just looks at him and he's so happy to have his friendship and his hugs. He never had a friendship with Ricky. They were lovers right away and that was it. Louis seems to constantly intertwine the two in Harry's mind.

"You know, you look like a frog from upside down," Louis laughs and Harry gasps and launches off the bed, making Louis cackle as they wrestle.

"You. Take. That. Back," Harry tells him, throwing blankets and pillows on top of him.

"Ribbit, ribbit," Louis laughs, throwing the pillows back at Harry with full force. One hits him hard in the face and Louis stops laughing and looks at him in concern. "Oh, shit. I'm sorry. You okay?" Louis worries.

"My self-esteem is slightly bruised but okay besides that," Harry assures him, placing the pillow next to him. Louis just grins at him, standing up and pulling a blanket up with him.

"I never said you were an ugly frog. You're a beautiful frog. One of those exotic tropical ones," Louis explains as Harry stands up to help him.

"Wow. Think that's the best compliment I've ever received," Harry tells him dryly and Louis just beams at him, pinning a part of the blanket down to his dresser.

"You're in a really good mood tonight," Louis notices, now pulling the blanket out and connecting it to his chair.

"Yeah, I am," Harry agrees, mildly surprised. He's been in such a depressed, angry mood since he's moved in that he thought he'd notice when he brightened. It just feels natural to joke and laugh with Louis. He doesn't feel the need to hold onto his sadness.

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