Chapter 15: Ian's Tumble

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Author's Note:

I made this attached photo in Photoshop. It's there to give you an idea of Ian's belly size. I also made the story work on their "Douche Board Commercial" video because of the photo and because it was sat up perfectly for this chapter. Anyways, Enjoy!

"Excuse me, Ma'am. I don't mean to be rude or anything, but could you please drive a little faster?We're running late." Anthony asked their kind Uber driver. The woman nodded.

"I will do the best I can, sir."

"Thank you very much." Anthony leaned back into his seat and pinched the bridge of his nose tightly, feeling Ian gasp his hand as the vehicle accelerated a little. They were supposed to be at the Smosh house by 9:00am this morning, but Anthony's phone died sometime during the night and it caused them to oversleep and miss their flight. They then had to wait at the crowded airport for about an hour. The wait wouldn't have been so bad if there would've been somewhere to sit. This was especially hard for Ian because of his 25 week baby bump that looked 35 weeks. Luckily, a young woman gave up her chair for Ian after about twenty minutes of waiting, but it had already done a number on Ian's back and ankles. After a short and uneventful flight and Uber drive, they walked through the front door of the Smosh house at 12:15pm.

"Well it's about time!" Lee called in a jokeful manner as Anthony walked into the living room with both his and Ian's bags in his arms.

"I don't want to hear it, Lee. We've had a rough morning" Anthony replied with a slightly grumpy voice. He didn't take it personal. Ian followed Anthony back into their room and slowly sat himself down onto their bed, groaning lightly as he massaged his lower back with his left fist.

"You alright, babe?" Anthony asked. Ian shook his head.

"No. My back and ankles are killing me after standing in that goddamn airport." Anthony's face fell.

"I'm sorry, baby. Do you want me to give you a massage?" Ian nodded.

"Please?" Anthony put his duffle bag down and walked over to Ian, sitting down behind him on their bed and rubbing his hands across Ian's back. Ian let out a loud sigh of relief. "There?"

"Mmmhmmm." Ian hummed. Anthony felt bad for his little pregnant hubby. He is sacrificing his comfort and so many other things just so he could give them a child and just for that alone, Anthony would forever be grateful for a man like Ian. He wished he could take his pain away entirely, but he knew there wasn't really anything he could do about it. He's in his third trimester except give him pain relievers and comforting massages. Besides, he

"Good thing we decided to do that hover board video today, huh?" Ian nodded. "You don't have to do anything today, but you're going to have to shoot a scene or two tomorrow and record some voice over."

"I don't really care. As long as I can have some Tylenol and a long nap right now, I'll be fine." Anthony smiled and leaned down to kiss Ian's stubbly cheek.

"I'll be right back." Anthony left the room and came back quickly with a dose of Tylenol and a glass of water. Ian took the medication with a loud gulp and handed the glass back to Anthony. He then laid down on his left side, allowing Anthony to stuff a bunch of pillows around his back and stomach to take the pressure off. When Anthony finished placing the last pillow, he pecked Ian's lips.

"Holler if you need anything. I love you."

"I will. Love you too." Anthony then placed a kiss on Ian's round stomach.

"Try not to give daddy too much trouble."

~Five Hours Later~

"Ian... Ian..." Anthony whispered, gently shaking his husband awake. Ian groaned a little and brought the blanket he was wrapped in up closer to his face.

"Mmm, what?" He replied, his voice groggy.

"We need you in here to film the outro for the BTS." Ian sighed a little and opened his eyes, snickering when he saw a hair clip in Anthony's hair that made it look like he had a man bun.

"Since when did you get a man bun?" Anthony furrowed his eyebrows, but soon remembered that he had forgotten to take the douchey hair piece out when they finished recording about twenty minutes ago.

"Never. Man buns aren't my thing." He answered back, taking it out of his hair and sitting it on the nearby night stand. Ian smiled and reached up, running his right hand through Anthony's curly hair.

"There's my Anthony." He whispered, holding his hand still on Anthony's left cheek for a moment. Anthony leaned into Ian's touch and giggled. Ian then tried to pull Anthony down onto the bed with him and lightly groaned. "Lay down with me, honey. I want you." Anthony giggled and pulled his arm away from Ian's grip.

"Come record the outro first." Ian whined a little. "It won't take long, I promise. As soon as we're done, we can come back in here and I'll do whatever you're in the mood for." Ian leaned his head back onto his pillow and groaned for the final time.

"Fiiiinnneee." He peeled back the thick, checkerd blanket and slowly rose up from bed with Anthony's help. Once they got into the living room, the small segway by the coffee table caught Ian's attention as Anthony hopped on it and spun around in it.

"You actually learned how to use that thing?" Ian asked, laughing a little. Anthony nodded.

"Yeah. It's actually not nearly as hard as it looks." Ian kept a close eye on the board until their camrea guy gave the thumbs up that he was rolling. " So, that was our Doucheboard video." Anthony said to the camera whilst making it go back and fourth slightly. Ian smiled at the camera and looked down to the small segway.

"So, I still don't know how to ride one of those things."

"Do you want to try it?" Ian ponderd for a moment before answering."

"Yeah, yeah. I wanna try it right now." Anthony stepped off of the board and backed away from it, allowing Ian enough room to get onto the board.

"Here we go. Ready?" Ian asked, placing both of his bare feet onto the board and wobbling a bit when it moved forwards. The problem was, he didn't stop wobbling. It wouldnt have been much of a problem, but because of Ian's baby bump, he wasn't able to hold himself upright on the wobbly device. Anthony tried his best to catch Ian when he fell, but he was caught off guard when Ian fell forwards instead of backwards, rendering him helpless as Ian fell off of the board and right onto the carpeted floor stomach-first.

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