Chapter 14: Some Early Practice

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Authors Note:

Another sexual reference in this chapter.

Today is April 29 and Ian is now 22 weeks into his pregnancy. With each passing week, Ian and Anthony's excitement to hold their precious baby boy grows just a little bit more. That's not the only thing that's growing, though. Ian's abdomen is now sticking out an astonishing 8 inches from where it used to be. A full two and a half inches from last week. Ian was a little worried about how fast his abdomen was expanding, but Dr. Goodin told Ian at his appointment today that everything is going well and that the baby is 100% healthy. Ian is ecstatic that Mason is growing like he should be, but he can't help but feel a little insecure about the purple stretch marks that are now starting to show up on his stomach. He can also remember a time when his belly button was an innie and not an outtie, but Ian doesn't let it get to him. He knows that it's just his body adjusting to the growing infant and that there wasn't really much he could do to avoid it.

"Ian? Are you coming to bed?" Anthony called from their bed room. Ian looked up from his stomach before replying.

"Yeah. I'll be out in second." Ian took one last look at himself in the mirror and sighed quietly before pulling his shirt back over his stomach and heading out of the bathroom.

"What took you so long?" Anthony asked, putting down a parenting book he was reading on the night stand. "You were in there for a while and it was quiet. Everything okay?" Ian slowly slumped down onto their bed and laid down on his right side to face Anthony.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just noticed that I had an outtie and stretch marks and got lost in thought." Anthony chuckled and tucked in Ian's usual pillows around his stomach and back to help relieve some of the pressure the baby put on his back.

"I wouldn't worry about it, honey. I think you're beautiful no matter how many stretch marks you have." Ian smiled and felt his cheeks turn a light shade of pink at Anthony's compliment. "Need anymore pillows?" Anthony asked. Ian laid there for a moment before answering.

"Nope. I think we're good." Anthony nodded and brushed a piece of hair out of Ian's face. He then placed a gentle kiss on Ian's stubbly cheek and then went down to Ian's stomach, rubbing it and kissing it as well.

"My two favorite men." Anthony whispered. Anthony let go of Ian's stomach and got into his usual sleeping position, but Ian didn't want to go to sleep just yet. Ever since Ian hit the 20 week mark, his sex drive has been through the roof. Ian thought that it was just a one night thing and that he just needed to get it out of is system, but it was more than that. Ian now wants to have sex every night before they go to bed and sometimes even through out the day. He was a little ashamed that he wanted so much sex, but he couldn't really help it. Anthony doesn't really mind Ian's rived up sex drive and that helps out a lot. In Anthony's opinion, Ian goes through so much for the baby and deserves to be pleased when ever he wants. It does annoy him sometimes during the day when he's trying to work or watch a movie, but he gets over it the moment he see's Ian's bare body with that beautiful pregnancy glow.

"Anthony?..." Ian whispered.


"C-Could you do me a favor before we go to sleep?" Anthony knew exactly what Ian was asking for and sat up on his elbows.

"Again?" Ian nodded, feeling himself blush a little, slightly embarrassed that he was asking Anthony for help for a second time.

"Yeah..." Anthony chuckled, but he didn't answer. He then leaned over to capture Ian's lips in a passionate kiss. Ian instantly closed his eyes and threw his hands up to grab onto Anthony's curly hair.

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