Beautiful Day

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It was warm outside. The birds were singing, the sun was shining, and flowers were blooming. It's a beautiful day. Spring is just around the corner. I was on my way to Louis' to get a new book. On the way I passed Mai's Jarden. Or, what it used to be. Since her death, someone new has bought the place. It will still be a place to eat at, so no big changes will occur. I pushed opened the door to Louis' and inhaled the scent of books. "You have become quite popular with the regulars here, Lestat" Louis said. "Oh really?", I questioned. "Especially with the women. They keep wondering when the handsome young man will come back", he laughed. I just hmphed at that and went forth on my quest for a book. It's a beautiful day.
      I had stopped for some lunch and brought it to a table in the park in front of the Eiffel Tower. I was sitting quietly lost in my thoughts when I heard someone say, "hello there friend!" I turned around and my eyes widened at who I saw. It was Saty and Edward. Saty was holding a little boy in her arms. They came up to me and Edward said, "sorry we disappeared for a while. We needed to take a break from the world for a bit. How are things?" I just hummed and said fine. I looked at the little boy in Saty's arms. He had brown hair with beautiful blue eyes. "Who's the kid?", I asked them. "Oh. Well, Edward and I decided to have a child together", Saty explained. My jaw dropped. "Mon dieu, vous avez un enfant?!" I exclaimed. They both nodded excitedly. "My name is Dylan and I'm five!", the child told me. I smiled at him and laughed. Edward was looking quite proud of himself while Saty just looked happy. I asked Edward, "how is work going?" He smiled and nodded. "It's going really well. The past year I've had a lot of fun. You should stop by some time", he said. Edward is a doctor in guess you have forgotten. I told him that I would and that we need to get together for lunch really soon. We parted ways and I started on my way back home. Hmm. Saty and Edward have a four year old child. That's great! I'm so proud of- wait wait wait. If they've only been gone for about a year, how is their child five years old?!

Translation: Mon dieu vous avez un enfant= my god you have a child

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