Answered Questions

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Hello, hi. So I decided to post this on this book instead of something else. I'm going to answer questions I got about the story of the Lestat and what's coming next.
" What happened to Glacier?" She did make it to America, and lived a few months more than expected due to a change of scenery. She did die, but was happy in the end.

"Who made Elizabeth pregnant?" I don't know. It may be Lestat, it may be someone Elizabeth met, etc. whatever you want to believe.

"Why an unhappy ending?" Well, real life doesn't have happy endings. I actually don't like reading books with happy endings. Overall, I am happy with how this series turned out.

"What's next?" Okay here we go. So, the story is called this kingdom of mine. It's set in well, I don't know how to describe it. If you have seen the anime Magi, it's kinda like that setting. The plot is about a guy who serves the king loyally, until one day the king becomes ill, and what happens afterwards. I know it's pretty vague, but I'm into it. It will be much longer than the two stories so far.

If you are interested in another "The Story of......." Then let me know. I really like this time period so I will take suggestions! Thanks. :*)

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