chapter 1-flashback to 1st yr (part 1)

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i do not own the characters of harry poter. i have only added my own people. harry potter belongs to j.k. rowling.

I woke up early to my snowy owl, Igit, tapping on my window with a letter from Draco saying he wants me to sit with him on the train. I jumped up realizing what today is; my first trip to Hogwarts. I got up hurried to the shower, went down to breakfast and rushed my foster parents out the door so we wouldn’t be late. We when got to the station I pulled out my ticket an stared in confusion, I had only been to the train station once or twice but I was pretty sure there was no platform 93/4s.

            Snape told them to just drop me at the door and he would meet up with me. I waited at the door until 10:45 for him. He never showed. I started walking hoping I would find the right train. When I couldn’t I asked a conductor but he gave me a weird look and walked away. I looked at my ticket when I heard “always the same, packed with muggles” Snape had said that word when he talked about my foster parents. I followed the voice and watched as three of the kids with her walked right through the brick wall.

            “Um…excuse me? C-can you show me…” I started at the exact moment as another boy had asked.

            “How to get on the platform? Not to worry dears, its Ron’s first time at Hogwarts too. All you have to do is walk straight at the barrier between 9 and 10. Best do it at a bit of a run.”

The other boy and I take turns, me going first.

 After staring for a good while, I finally boarded the train, just in time if I might add, for just as I stepped up the train started moving and I started falling back until a hand came out of nowhere an grabbed me an pulled me against him. I could feel his arms around my shoulders and his breath in my hair, when I finally opened my eyes I found them transfixed on a pair of gorgeous green eyes staring back. He had bright red hair that looked so soft and made me want to run my fingers through it.

 Wait! What was I thinking, I like Draco.  I want to marry Draco. But this boy was so cute and he saved my life. I guess I was majorly zoned out because he snapped his fingers in my ace to get my attention.

“What?” I said, maybe a little to rude, for he had this look of hurt on his ace.

“I just asked if you were ok and if you needed any help finding a compartment.” He said

“O I’m sorry. Yes that would be nice, thank you. I’m Scarlet by the way but you can call me Charlie.” I answered.

He looked at me sweetly saying “nice to meet you. I’m Fred, but beware my twin George is lurking around here somewhere.”

“And how might I ask will I tell the difference?” I asked not quite believing him

“O so you don’t believe me? Well don’t get mad at me when you meet him and he doesn’t know who you are. But I’ll tell you, he looks just like me so you’ll have to ask him something that only you and I would know.”

“Like what?” I asked

“How I saved you on the first day of your first year.”

            “Ok. Wait, how did you know I was a first year?”

He scratched his head looking for the right words to say when out comes “I was watching you as you just stood there staring at the train like you’d never seen anything like it.”

Nothing but the fact that he had been watching me registers. Without even realizing it, I find that when I go to reply he’s nowhere in sight. I guess he notices I’m no longer behind him because he pokes his head out form a small compartment.

            “Over here Charlie” he beckons.

I join him in the compartment but I’m disappointed when I notice 2 other people there. One looks just like Fred, the other is a slightly taller yet clumsy black boy.

            “You must be George?” I say looking at the Fred look alike. I look at Fred and he’s giving me an I told you so look.

I introduce myself to both, learning that the black boy is called lee and he’s the twins’ best friend. For the next few hours the three boys take turns telling me what to expect at Hogwarts, they tell me the easiest paths to classes and what places to avoid, who the easy teachers are and who are the tough ones. Once we change into our robes, the boys stepping out to give me some privacy, they tell me of all the pranks they’ve pulled and that since their younger brother Ron is a first year they’ve taken it upon themselves to teach him a lesson. They allow me to be a part of it.


i want to thank those who have startd to read my story. please leave your opinions and comments. also plz vote.

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