chapter 9-flashback to 5th yr (part 2)

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heres another chapter.



2 weeks go by and we haven’t been able to have even a second of alone time. Everyday it’s none stop cleaning unless there’s an order meeting, and thanks to Fred and George and their pranking skills. They’ve come up with a device that lets us hear through the doors without standing right outside them. We find out that harry has been expelled from school for producing patronize charm in front of a muggle. Dumbledore pulled some strings and arranged a hearing so harry is on his way here. I don’t know what to say when I hear that he’s coming, I was so shocked that I dropped a bottle of dust spray and we all had to run so we wouldn’t get caught. Hermione Ginny and I are in our room picking up when Fred comes in and asks if he could talk to me alone for a minute. The girls leave and he asks why I was so surprised that harry was coming? I lie and say I was surprised that he had been expelled, he doesn’t believe me.

“Be honest with me, do you have feelings for harry?” he asks

“What? Why would you think that?” I say confused

He gets off my bed walks to my trunk opens it and pulls out mine and Harrys letters. “If you do just tell me, if there stronger then the feelings you have for me then what are you doing dragging my heart around?” he says getting pissed off.

“Yes I have feelings for him but they are nowhere near how I feel about you. I swear.” I say, “How’d you find out about those?”

He hesitates before he says “I’ve known since you sent the first one. I didn’t know they were to harry until he slipped up and sent Hedwig. Have you really been thinking about giving him a chance?”

“Kind of. He asked me to think about it and I have but I never planned on doing anything about it.”

“Is this your way of telling me that you don’t want to be with me anymore?” his voice getting low

“What?!? Absolutely not. I'm in love with you. He’s just a phase” I say, “but If I was you I would be careful not to leave him alone with me.” I walk towards him and wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

“O don’t worry. I don’t plan on it.” He says then leaves.

Hermione and Ron come in and we start talking, not 20 minutes later harry walks through the door and Hermione and Ron are giving him hugs. I'm sitting in the middle of my bed doing summer work and when he sees me he starts walking towards me when he’s distracted by something Hermione said. He starts yelling about how we didn’t give him a scrap of info in any of the letters we wrote, then George and Fred pop in the room. Joking around George says “thought we heard your heated voice from three stories down.”

Fred walks over and lays across the width of my bed, he kind of gives a back-off-this-is-mine look to Harry making him change the subject. Mrs. Weasley calls us down for dinner, when we get down there harry gives Sirius a big hug, Sirius tells him they must talk alone. Throughout dinner Sirius tries to give harry some info about what’s going on. But no one will let him get a word in, Mrs. Weasley keeps saying he’s just a boy and if they tell him to much they might as well let him join the order.

“Good. If voldemort is building an army, I want to join, I want to fight.” Harry says Sirius throws his arms up then winks at harry.

“Absolutely not.” Mrs. Weasley says.

“No offense Mrs. Weasley, but the decision isn’t up to you. If my father thinks harry can handle it then you should let him try. Technically and in Dumbledore’s eyes he is harrys true guardian.” I say, reminding everyone that were all still in the room. This remark earns me a major pinch on my inner thigh from Fred. “Ouch! Fred that hurt.”

“Nicely put Charlie” Uncle Remus says

“This discussion is over. He’s only 15.” Mr. Weasley steps in, giving Uncle Remus a look that says don’t encourage them.

            After dinner Sirius gives harry a tour of the house so they can talk in private. While Fred pulls me up to the girls room.

            “I’ve noticed that you’ve taken a liking to Charlie. Does she feel the same?” Sirius says

            “I don’t know. I think she does but then she gets round Fred and everything I thought I was positive about goes out the window. Does he seem a bit controlling to you?” harry asks

            “a little yes but from what I’ve seen he’s just trying to get some alone time with her. Molly is convinced that they are getting in over their heads so she keeps them busy cleaning all day and won’t let them have a minute alone. I think shes worried that Fred is finally growing up but she doesn’t want to admit it. And she keeps getting after me because when they do sneak off to be together I don’t punish my daughter. What am I supposed to do? I’ve known her for 2 years I don’t see how that gives me the right to tell her what she can and can’t do. Don’t get me wrong I’ve given her the talk, she didn’t lie to me. She straight up said that they’d had sex. I told her to just make sure they use protection. O I'm sorry Harry.” He says “look girls are very confusing, what you may be seeing as her having feelings for you could really be that she cares about you in only a brotherly way. I'm not saying that’s what it is. I want to ask you not to go trying to mess up their relationship because you’ve convinced yourself she wants to be with you. Believe me it won’t turn out the way you want.”

            “I won’t, I promise.” Harry said

            “Thank you. Now before molly comes after us thinking I'm giving you information I shouldn’t be, I’ll let you get back to your friends.” He says. “Before you go try and move on from Charlie. I know it may be hard but trying to convince yourself that she really wants to be with you may make you lose the real you and you could find yourself alone and obsessed with your job.” And with that he walks away.

i  just want to take the time and say thank you to those who have been reading my story. i will be starting another story soon, i dont know what im going to call it but ill let you know.

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