chapter 16-present

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The day of the wedding finally approaches everyone’s on edge waiting for something bad to happen that when it does no one knows what to do or think. The death eaters show up and attack everyone looking for harry but him Ron and Hermione have already left. After the death eaters leave, we all round up to see whose hurt and make sure no one’s dead. Everyone freaks out when they realize that harry, Ron and Hermione are missing, until I tell them that they left. Ron told me to tell molly that their okay and they’ll contact them as soon as they can.

After cleaning up Fred and I go to our house but we aren’t there alone. The protection charms are down and the house is a mess. We pull our wands out and separate and I find harry and the others in the kitchen.

“What are you guys doing here?” I ask “Fred I found them. Were in the kitchen.”

“were sorry but we didn’t know where else to go. Please don’t be mad.” Hermione says

“I'm not mad but I would’ve liked to know that you would come here. Why didn’t you put the protection charms back up?” I say

“We forgot.” They all said.

They stay with us for a few days but then they leave in a hurry and won’t tell us where they’re going. Fred and I go to his parents house and tell them that harry, Ron and Hermione are perfectly okay.

A few months go by and no ones heard anything from the trio. I give birth on November 21st to a beautiful baby boy that we name Levi weasley. And just like Fred said Molly finally comes around and explains how happy she is but that we caught her at a bad time. She asks to talk to me in private.

“I'm sorry if I ever made you feel that you weren’t good enough for Fred, I guess I saw that harry liked you and I figured if I got you with harry it would slow Fred from growing up. I know that’s no excuse but I just want you to know that I love you like a daughter and I'm so happy you gave me a gorgeous grandson.” She says.

“thank you. I really needed to hear that. I'm sorry for causing so many problems and yelling at you when we told you bout him.”

“its fine dear.” She says and we hug.

Around march Fred and I are visiting bill and fleur when harry, Ron, Hermione, a goblin and olivander show up. Harry stays out on the beach for days burying dobby. I walk out there and talk harry into coming inside. He doesn’t talk to me but comes inside anyway. Ron and Hermione turn to mush when they meet Levi but harry won’t even give him the time off day.  Ron explains that they’ve been fighting because he wants them to stay at bills while harry continues the search for whatever it is their looking for.

After a few weeks of resting they leave and continue on their journey. Two months go by and we find out that their at the school. Leaving Levi with someone we go to Hogwarts to help. Hours of fighting and hiding, voldemort tells us to gather our hurt and dead, then says we have an hour to deliver harry potter or he’ll kill us all. I haven’t seen Fred in a while so when I walk into the great hall I look for him among the hurt but then I see the weasley family and I walk towards them. George looks at me gives me a hug and says he’s very sorry.

“What are you talking….” I don’t finish as I see what everyone’s looking at.

Freds dead. I walk to his side and fall to my knees and hold him and cry. I look over to see who else is dead and I see tonks and uncle remus laying next to each other. I'm sitting at a table having someone tends to my arm, I look up and see harry walking towards me. my eyes fill up with tears and I look away. When he sees that Fred is dead, he takes off to find voldemort.

As soon as my arm is fixed I leave the school, I think that I can’t leave my son with no parents. Id rather him know his family, at least I can tell him about how brave his father was and how he gave his life to make the world a better place for him. I only tell Ron where I'm going but that ill be in touch with him as soon as I can.  

Meanwhile: back at the school- Harry turns his self in and voldemort kills him or so he thinks. The dark lord takes harrys limp body to the school to show that he has won. He tells everyone to stop fighting and join him or he will kill each and every one of them. Neville is the first person to step forth, some people gasp’s but Neville speaks up “I will never join you, harry died to save us. I will die before joining you.” Voldemort lifts his wand but is disarmed from an unseen person. Harry jumps from Hagrid arms and the fighting continues. But Harry defeats the dark lord.

Back to Charlie and Levi-I don’t think harry will defeat voldemort so I pick up my son from fleur and apperate to the muggle world. I take the little muggle money I have and get a small apartment, after a few days I send a letter to Ron and let him know that I want to see him and Hermione. I tell him where and leave to meet him.  

We meet at the leaky cauldron, but it’s not just Ron and Hermione, it’s also harry. I jump up and give him a huge hug.

“I thought you were dead.” I exclaim

“um…I'm sorry?” he says

“no its good. Now tell me what happened after I left”

After a long pause he explains that after he saw the pain and fear in mine and everyone’s eyes he couldn’t let everyone continue to fight while he ran around like a coward, how he went and found voldemort and let him kill him, how while harry was ‘dead’ he saw Dumbledore and he explained to harry that when voldemort first tried to kill him part of his soul found its way into harry, so harry didn’t really die. But harry did kill voldemort for good.

After a lot of convincing, harry Ron and Hermione talk me into coming back to the wizarding world. I show up on the weasleys doorstep, at first I thought they would turn me away but they took me and Levi in. George offered me a job at the joke shop. I take the job but make plans to become an auror.


im sorry to say this but this is the last chapter of this story :( but i think you will be pleased to know that im thinking bout making a 2nd book. let me know what you think. thank you.

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