chapter 10-flashback to 5th yr. (part 3)

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The next few days harry tries to get me alone to talk to me but Fred won’t let me out of his sight. It’s not that Fred doesn’t like harry, it’s that he doesn’t like that harry hasn’t backed off of since me and him have been together.

            We go to back to school and things seem to go back to normal, until harry goes to detention for the new defense against the dark arts teacher and comes back with deep cuts on his hands. Hermione seems worried about it when she finds out that he had told me but kept it a secret from them. From in the corner where I was doing homework with Fred I could hear what they were talking about so I asked Fred If we could go for a walk.

Hermione’s P.O.V

            I watch as Charlie pulls Fred out of the portrait hole, as soon as its closed I look at harry, “I don’t think it’s good that you’re still trying to be with her. She loves Fred and shes not going to leave him for you. No offense.” I say

            “Thanks Hermione. That makes me feel so much better. I know that but it doesn’t make it any easier. And this isn’t that big of a deal.” He said holding his hand up.

            “Yes it is. You need to tell Dumbledore.” I say

            “No he’s got enough on his mind right now.” He replies.

            “fine but we need to do something about this.”

Charlie’s P.O.V

            On Saturday we all go to hogsmeade then meet at the boars head to hear harry tell us we need a better defense teacher, more like Hermione say it. Someone asks harry to tell them the truth of what happened to Cedric. But he won’t. Hermione asks us to sign a piece of parchment that says Dumbledore’s army, which is what harry decides to call us.

Harry asks us to find a place where we can practice and not be heard or seen. Neville is the person to find that place, the room of requirement.

In the girls dormitory Hermione corners me “stay away from harry.”

“Excuse me?” I say

“You heard me; he is completely convinced that you want to be with him.”

“Did he tell you that?” I asked

“No but I can see it on his face when he watches you with Fred. And from the way I see you with Fred and then when you’re with harry I can see where he’s getting that you want to be with him. You need to either set harry straight, break it off with Fred, or completely leave harry alone.” She says “or you’ll have to deal with me.”

“is that supposed to scare me?” I say, “It doesn’t. I don’t want to be with harry, I thought I did but I'm over that and if you haven’t noticed I’ve been keeping my distance from harry, if he hasn’t gotten the hint then it’s not my fault. Can I go now?” I say

Hermione moves out of my way “wait Harrys having those dreams again. He only told me because I made him. He won’t tell you but I have a feeling something bad is going to happen.” I say before I walk out of the dorm.

Hermione didn’t take my warning so when Christmas comes around harry, me, her, and the weasleys are sent to headquarters because Mr. Weasley had been attacked while he was on duty.  Fred and I broke up few days before Mr. Weasley had been attacked. I told him I needed time to myself, at first he was mad thinking it was because of harry but then he understood and we continued to be friends. We went back to the way we were before we got together. He got me a necklace for Christmas.

When we went back to school we start back up with the D.A classes but only a few before Umbridge finds us and we all get in trouble. We have a week of detention each, the last night I run into Fred as I'm walking in, I was at the black lake crying because of him, and the whole scarring my hand because of the stupid Umbridge, he sees that I had been crying so he pulls me into a hug. When he loosens the hug he says he’s sorry then kisses me and wraps his arm round my shoulder and walks me to the common room.

            While in the great hall taking our O.W.Ls we hear something out in the hall. The doors fly open and in fly the Weasley twins throwing their famous fireworks everywhere. We all run out to watch as they fly off into the sky. I turn to look at harry the same time Hermione does, he’s on the floor, we walk towards him and he says one thing “Sirius”. We run to Umbridge’ office, him talking about going to find Sirius and having us stay behind to talk to Dumbledore.

            “I’m going with you.” I say

            “No it’s too dangerous” he replies

            “That’s my father. He may be your god father but he’s the only person I have left. If voldemort really has him then I'm going too.” I say

            Umbridge comes in and tries to do the torture curse on harry before Hermione tells harry to tell her where Dumbledore’s secret weapon is. Her and harry lead umbridge to the forbidden forest.

             Me, Ron, Luna, Neville and Ginny are stuck with Draco and his goons, until Ron says he’s hungry and pulls out candies the goons takes them and starts puking and growing boils while we escape and find harry and Hermione. We fly to England and make our way to the ministry of magic, harry leads us to the room he saw Sirius in his vision but there’s no Sirius. Neville sees a ball o swirls with Harrys name on it. Harry picks it up as soon as he does Draco’s father Lucius shows up and tries to get it from him. We all start throwing spells and curses at the death eaters. Then were in a room with nothing but an empty archway or so we thing, harry and luna say they see things. The death eaters swarm around us and grab everyone but harry, leaving him to decide between us and the prophecy. He hands it over but then Sirius comes out of nowhere along with the rest of the order. After a few minutes of dueling I hear harry screaming when I look over my father is hit with a blast of green and hits the floor. I run to him only to find him sucked into the archway. Uncle Remus grabs harry as he screams, moody grabs me as I try to run into the archway. Harry runs after Bellatrix.

            When the death eaters disappear we all go to find harry, we find him surrounded by a tube of sand with Dumbledore kneeling on the ground by him.

            “HARRY!!!!” I scream but Ron grabs me making me stay.

            “You’re the weak one, and I feel sorry for you because you’ll never know love or friendship.” Harry says

            Voldemort appears in the tube and looks down at harry saying “you’re a fool harry potter. Risking your life for these people.” But then he’s gone when the minister shows up.

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