Chapter 1 - Hogsmeade Village

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Sorry about the date being on the cover guys but I drew so when I took the photo it was put there. I could have cropped it but it would have taken half of Hermione off so sorry <3!

I know I haven't finished my other story yet but Hanzy249 suggested this story and I had to write it or I would explode! Okay, so it's another FanFic and I only every write those but this will be the best! Also, it's set at the beginning of the Half Blood Prince... Okay so I'll get on with it now... Hope you enjoy it...

Love and Draco's



Draco's P.O.V

I saw Hermione Granger rushing around Hogsmeade Village and she wasn't watching where she was going. This was a perfect opportunity to mess with a little Griffindor. I couldn't help myself and I stepped into her path. She crashed into me and dropped everything she was carrying. Fair enough I toppled to the ground but I knew she would panic when she realised it was me. I got to my knees and picked everything up for her, they were mainly books but that was just typical of Granger. I had to admit that I had a slight crush on her but she would never know...

I passed her, her books and saw the panic in her eyes. I think she expected me to call her a Mudblood or something like that but I wasn't going to. I knew she hated me but I couldn't exactly help the way I was brought up... She tried to scurry off but I grabbed her arm so she couldn't move. I knew she would probably shout of ickle Ronnie-kins but I wasn't too bothered.

"Look Malfoy, what do you want? I bet you did this on purpose... I bet you enjoy bullying Mudbloods don't you! You're just lame Malfoy... Now, LET GO!" Hermione had shouted and a few heads had turned in our direction but they soon went back to what they were doing.

"It was an accident," I said in the most loving way I could. "Let me walk you to the train. I'll carry your books for you and don't worry, ickle Ronnie-kins wont find out. And I wasn't going to call you a Mudblood. It's a horrible word to use!" She tutted at me but began to speak again.

"Well, that was a load of rubbish. But I guess as long as you don't tell Ron it would be okay. You have to promise me that no one will find out!"

"I promise." I said caringly, taking the books out of her hands. We walked alongside through most of Hogsmeade Village until I saw Harry and Ron. I was going to have to improvise.

Hermione's P.O.V

I could not believe that Draco Malfoy was actually being nice to me. He had actually offered to carry my books and walk me back to the train. It was like a dream come true... Unless it was some sort of dare. Anyway, I was happy for a while, until it was too good to be true. Draco ran up into the distance.

"Hahaa Granger try and get your books now!" What the hell was he doing? Was it because Ron was there. I knew he would be a doouche soon enough. "Come on Mudblood! Get your books!" He called me a MUDBLOOD!

I saw Ron walking up to Draco and I didn't even want to know what he was about to do. He punched Draco inbetween his eyes and Draco hit the floor causing the snow around him to rise and fall again. Harry, who I hadn't seen at first, picked up the books and handed them to me. I told them I forgot something because I felt like crying. Draco would always be horrible to me...

After about half an hour of crying I felt someone come up behind me. I didn't want to know who it was but I had a feeling I already did. The person put their hand on my shoulder and I felt them crouch down behind me.

Draco's P.O.V

I heard Hermione crying so I went up behind her, put my hand on her shoulder, and crouched down. She was still crying and I had a feeling she knew it was me. Why did I always have to mess things up? I didn't want to do what I did but she was the one who didn't want Weasley and Potter to know. I knew I had to say something so I did but I have to watch what I said. I didn't want mess things up even more.

"Sorry Hermione. I would have been here sooner but  I had to find someone to fix my nose. I know what I did was wrong but I couldn't let them know I was being nice. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me. We can just take a different route where we won't be seen. Once we get to the train you can go straight to Ron and Harry and just say you got what you needed to get." I needed to get her trust me again.

She nodded and we walked along an old path that I had used before with my mother. It was a path to use if you didn't want to be seen. It was perfect for a time like this. The walk was almost silent; the only noise that was made was made by our feet in the snow. We got to the train soon and I passed Hermione her things. She walked over to where Ron and Harry were stood and I watched her get on the train. I saw Crabbe and Goyle so I boarded with them. They were a lot less interesting than Hermione but I was going to have to put up with them.

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