Chapter 4 - Harrassed By Parents

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Hermione's P.O.V

We walked into my house to see my parents in the kitchen. My mother took a break from cooking to look Draco up and down. After he flashed her a toothy smile, she nodded approvingly and went back to chopping carrots. My father was reading the paper when glanced  up at Draco. He did a double take when he saw the pale skinned, blonde boy stood next to me. He stood up and walked over to Draco where he held his hand out. Draco shook it and introduced himself.

"Hello Mr. Granger," ha, Draco actually had manners! "I'm Draco Malfoy. Your daughter had a bit of trouble with some of her friends so I stayed on the train and walked her home incase anything happened." Draco Malfoy, worried about me?! I never thought I'd hear that.

"Welcome to our home Draco. Any friend of Hermione's is a friend of ours." Did my father actually just say that?! What on earth had gotten into everyone I knew? "So, Draco, are you and Hermione just friends or something more?" I knew that would be asked soon enough. I didn't give Draco a chance to answer.

"Well father," I said. "We aren't just friends. We are much more than that." Draco smiled at me and we walked off upstairs. Draco carried my things to my room. This was definately some other Draco Malfoy to the one I knew before. After about ten minutes of me unpacking and Draco commenting on my fashion sense, my mother shouted of me.

Draco's P.O.V

I had been sat on Hermione's bed commenting on her fashion sense. It wasn't what I would usually do but I was bored. Suddenly, Mrs. Granger shouted of Hermione so she grabbed me by my hand and dragged me downstairs with her.

"Hermione, your dinner is ready." Mrs. Granger said to her as she walked into the kitchen. "Draco you are welcome to stay if you want."

"Mrs. Granger," I said politely. "I would love to but my parents are probably wondering where I am by now." She nodded and I walked toward the door. Hermione came outside behind me.

"See you Draco." She said to me cheerily. "You'll have to keep in touch over the holidays."

"Don't worry, I will... Definitely." She laughed and then pecked me on the cheek. I had to admit that a proper kiss would have been better bu since we only just started to get along, I appreciated what I got. She waved to me as I walked off to get a train home.

Once I got into the train station, I saw my parents just stood there. They didn't seem to be doing anything except just standing there. I walked over to my mother who looked extremely relieved to see me. She hugged me and then looked at my cheek, then she tapped my father.

"No wonder he's been gone so long Lucius. He's been with a girl!" Oh Merlin, Hermione had left a lipstick mark hadn't she... Let the harrassment begin. "Our little Draco has a girlfriend! Who is she? Is she a pureblood like you? Is she pretty? Do you love her?" How many questions did she want to ask?

"Urmm..." I replied. "She'scalled Hermione Granger, she's a Mudblood, she's pretty and of course I love her." I knew my father would disapprove of her being a Mudblood but I loved her and that was all that mattered.

"Shes a WHAT?!" My father shouted as he pushed me onto a train full of Muggles. "You can't love a Mudblood! They're dirt! They shouldn't be allowed to mix with people like us. I forbid you to see her!" Who did he think he was?!

"Sorry, father," I said standing up since the train had stopped ouside our house. "I forgot that you ran my love life. Sorry, who would you suggest? Some one like Parkinson I bet! I know you only care about yourself!" We were inside my house when my voice reached full volume. "You always wanted me to be with Parkinson. I bet it's you who keeps setting her on me. If you were me you'd understand why I hate her! She calls me 'Drakey-Boo' for Merlin's sake! She's a nightmare! She was when I was with her and she's even worse now we aren't! Just leave me to sort out my own love life!" I ran upstairs and slammed my door. I was sure it hit the house elf in the face but I didn't care. I just wanted to get away from my father. I absolutely hated his guts!

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