Chapter 8 - Meeting Up

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Draco's P.O.V

My holiday in Hogsmeade was short lived since Lucius decided that I needed to keep away from Hermione. He practically dragged me home after I left the Three Broomsticks because I shouldn't be near 'Mudblood scum' for too long. I didn't even listen to him much and only ever spoke to him when I absolutely had to. I hated him at that moment in time.

"Draco," Lucius shouted at me from his study. "Draco, I need to speak to you about something important." I walked towards his study as slowly as possible and when I finally got there, I sat on the opposite side of the desk to Lucius.

"What do you want Lucius?" I knew I sounded cold and quite sinister but I didn't care. "I have somewhere to be." He looked at me like I wasn't his child and I was slightly glad of it. The sooner I got out, the better.

"Well Draco," he said like he didn't want me there. "I think you and that Mudblood girl have become too close. The Dark Lord would not be too happy to hear that a Pureblood is mixing with someone of her blood status. Your relationship cannot last if you wish to one day marry. I know that she is the one you like but it needs to end before it goes too far." The only thing that had gone too far was Lucius.

"Whatever Lucius. I couldn't care less about Voldy finding out. He will probably kill me anyway at one point so it might be better if he does it sooner. Anyway, don't expect me to be here tonight because, like I said, I have places to be." With that, I left and went up to my room.

Dabbit, the new house elf, was stood at my door with my broom since I had asked him to get it for me. I grabbed it from his hand and thanked him. After that, he left and went to do whatever it is that house elves do. I opened my window and stood on the ledge with my broom in my hand. I got on it and flew from the window into the night. I knew exactly where I was going; the Granger residence.

Hermione's P.O.V

It had got to half past twelve and I was extremely tired. I was half asleep in my bed when I heard some sort of knocking on my window. I looked over to see a blond haired head outside. I opened my window to be greeted by Draco. I didn't know how he had managed to get here on a broom and I was sure that he would have been seen. I was happy to see him but it did seem weird that he was in my house at this time.

"Draco what are you doing here? You should be at home, not in my room. I mean, it's not that I don't want to see you but it's late and if my parents find out then I'll be in major trouble and-" Suddenly, I was stopped from talking by Draco kissing me; like genuinely kissing me. I didn't even know he was capable of loving anyone ever. He broke away and finally spoke.

"Look 'Mione," he said sweetly. "I'm going to leave for a while and might not see you for a long time so I had to come and say goodbye. I'm sorry I have to go but I cant stand being near Lucius and have to avoid him in anyway possible. I will keep in touch and will come and see you as soon as I am back."

"Draco Malfoy," I said sternly. "You are NOT going anywhere. Infact, you are NOT leaving this house! I will keep you here. My parents really like you and will surely let you stay here. I mean, I'm not actually letting you go at all." Yes, I had just said I was going to practically kidnapp him.

"Really?" He looked at me with a surprised expression. "I can't make you look after me 'Mione. It's not right." I didn't let him say anything else as I left to tell my parents that Draco was now staying with us...

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