Chapter 11 - Not So Seperate Dorms

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Okay so I've been completely lazy lately. I have been writing this for about a week because I've only had little bits of time to write. I feel like such a lazy bish -_- so sorry guys. I even included Pansy's P.O.V this time to make it seem a bit better! Also, it's cool because barely anyone includes her so I thought it would be nicer to not leave her out. Bleugh. I feel slightly ill too so I'm gonna go and listen to some TMB to cheer me up ♥ Okay byeeee

Draco's P.O.V

I had managed to successfully get Hermione out of the Chamber of Secrets and it was nothing short of a miracle... She was one of the heaviest people I knew considering she was skinny... See, I wasn't calling her fat... She had still been asleep to which meant it was even more awkward when we bumped into McGonagall looking for us... It went like this:

"Mr Malfoy, do you have any idea how long you have been gone? What has happened to Miss Granger? I knew you couldn't be trusted!" She gave me a look and I knew exactly what she meant... I can't believe one of my own professors thought I was a perv. How nice -_-

"Look, I haven't done anything. I was looking for Granger incase anything had happened and I've been searching the whole night. I only just found her like this next to an opened Chamber of Secrets. I wish I could have been there sooner since she seemed to have been knocked out by something." I tried to be as nice as possible.

"Well, Mr Malfoy you should have just found a teacher and got them to help. I'm sure Mr Weasley and Mr Potter checked there and didn't find her. But then again, it might have been them." She looked concerned and then walked off with something on her mind. I knew I had completely lied to her but I had to... She was one of those people who just shouldn't know about relationships.

So now I was in the Slytherin common room with Hermione lay half awake on one of the sofas.  She was talking but I wasn't exactly listening to a word she said. There was some babbling for a while and then she walked over to me. I hoped to Merlin that she didn't ask me what she was saying because I didn't have a clue.

"Draco, were you even listening?" I didn't reply and she went to leave but she was muttering. "Should have listened to Ginny."

"You should have listened to Ginny about what?" I pulled her towards me and she looked shocked. "Come on, tell me baby Weasley said to you... Please?"

Hermione's P.O.V

I had been talking to Draco about a school trip to Hogsmeade but he clearly wasn't listening. When I asked him if he had been listening he completely ignored me. I went to leave and was muttering about how I should hae listened to Ginny. He had managed to hear that part and sprung up behind me, pulling me towards him. I wasn't going to answer him because he didn't answer me when I was talking to him.

"Come on 'Mione. I'm sorry. Please tell me!" He pleaded with me using his gorgeous eyes but I knew I couldn't give in. I knew that if I gave in, he would think I would give into anything and I didn't want him thinking that. "Please! 'Mione! Tell me! I do love you so I deserve to know!"

"She just said you wouldn't listen, OK?" I replied quite sharply to him. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to the Gryffindor Common Room." He pulled me even closer towards him.

"Look 'Mione... I will not excuse you. I do want to spend time with you and I'm sorry I wasn't listening but my mind was elsewhere." He looked at me lovingly and I think I smiled because he smiled back at me. "I really  do love you, no matter what anyone says, so please stay here with me... One night wont do any harm..." I looked at him funny and he knew what I was thinking. "Not in a way like that. Merlin, why does everyone think I'm like that?" I just chuckled to myself and hugged him.

"Drakey-Boo," I said in order to wind him up. "I don't think you're like that I was only joking with my expression. I would love to stay but, rules are rules and rules should be followed." I smirked at him and went to walk off for about the third time.

"Well, today isn't a day for rules so there you go, you can stay now. It's break the rules day infact." I rolled my eyes at him. "What? Was that too far?"

"Well...Just a bit. I mean, completely and utterly definately went too far. I know that makes me sound horrible so I'm going to shut up and hug you now." I hugged and he was just laughing. "What's so funny?"

"Well," he said to me quietly because a few people had entered the room. "You don't have to announce that you're going to hug me."

Draco's P.O.V

I grabbed 'Mione's hand and pulled her across the room and to my dorm. I would have stayed in the common room but a lot of people who wanted something to hold against me had come back from lessons. I don't mean that I'm ashamed but if the man who kills people for no reason finds out, we're both as good as dead.

 "Malfoy! Malfoy!" Goyle snapped me out of my death thoughts by waving his hand infront of my face and shouting. "Malfoy, you need to get her out of here! She can't be in here... Incase you didn't realise, this is the BOYS dorm!"

"Oh shut your mouth! If you're so bothered why don't you go tell on me!" I think Goyle sensed my sarcasm as he just sat down In a mood. "Good. Now we can all shut up and leave me alone. Except 'Mione for obvious reasons!" I slumped down on my own bed and everyone looked at me like I had lost the plot. "What?!" Crabbe and Goyle ran from the dorm and Hermione was still looking at me like I was crazy.

 "You need to calm down. You've gone all weird all of a sudden. What on earth is wrong with you?" Hermione looked at me funny but my gaze moved across the room to the corner where I saw a shadow move.

"We're being watched by someone.... I know who aswell." Again, I was being looked at like I had gone mental. "Parkinson get out of the corner!" She stood up and walked over to me and went to hug me. I stepped back and she fell to the floor.

Pansy's P.O.V

"Drakey-Boo!" I shouted at Draco because I loved him and his father had recently told me that he wanted me back. I knew he wouldn't stay with that Mudblood very long. "Don't tell me that Lucius would lie about you wanting me back. I knew you wouldn't stay with that filthy Mudblood very long!"

"Look Parkinson. I hate my father and left home so he would only be saying that to mess with me. I really hate you so get that into your head. I. DO. NOT. LOVE. YOU!" He pushed me across the room and out the door where I went to sit near Crabbe and Goyle.

"What's Drakey's problem today?" Crabbe and Goyle looked up at me and shrugged. "That filthy Mudblood is changing him and he doesn't realise. I know he loves me deep down. He just can't see it because she'll have used a love potion on him or something like that. I know she'll have done something to him to make him love her."

"Ha!" Goyle laughed and looked at me. "It's more likely to be the other way around. He's loved her for a long time. Even though she's a Mudblood he can't bring himself to stop loving her. He even talks about her in his sleep but he still doesn't know about that. I've heard very weird things from him when he's asleep but I know that if I did, he would probably punch me."

I stormed back to Draco's dorm hoping to find out the truth about the Mudblood. When I burst in they were lay in what looked the most awkward hug ever but asleep. I was furious and wanted to punch her so much but decided against it because I didn't want to disturb Drakey. I just left them and stormed out with my blood practically boiling. I was ridiculously jealous of that Mublood but I would never, ever tell her.

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