Chapter 2 - The Train Ride

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Draco's P.O.V

"Crabbe, Goyle," I said commandingly. "Keep this compartment while I go do something I need to do. Whatever you do, DO NOT let Parkinson in. She's just obsessed with me! If she's here when I get back then you will be punished." I saw Crabbe and Goyle nod so I left. I really did hope that they would keep Parkinson away. Anyway, I began to walk up the train, checking every compartment as I went.

All of the compartments were packed except for my own. For some weird reason the people were only ever from the same houses. It didn't even bother me, all houses should stop with each other... Except Griffindors and Slytherins. They were the only houses that could mix because they were the houses that Hermione and I were in. I eventually found her in a compartment with none other that Potter and Weasley.

"Look Granger," I didn't want to call her Granger but I had to in front of Potter and Weasel-bee. "I'm sorry about stealing your books. I realise that it was stupid and pointless and I really shouldn't have done it." I had already apologized but I felt like doing it again in front of her friends.

"Watch it Malfoy!" Potter stood up infront of me. How lovely! "You shouldn't have done that to Hermione. Don't think you can act all nice! We all know what you're really like. You're a malicious, violent man child." HA! What kind of insult was man child?! Before I knew it Harry was about to punch me. Luckily for me, Hermione stopped him.

"Harry, Malfoy just isn't worth it. Don't waste punches on him! Just let him go!" I left and went back to my compartment. Unsurprisingly, Parkinson was there...

"My Drakey!" Urgh... I hate Crabbe and Goyle!

Hermione's P.O.V

I was glad that Draco had apologized in front of Ron and Harry. It would at least make him seem better to them. I was surprised that Ron wasn't the one to say anything since he had loved me for a long time. I guess he had moved on now. My thoughts were soon interrupted by Ron talking.

"Bloody hell Hermione!" That was typical Ron. "I can't believe you stopped Harry punching Draco. What's gotten into you?!"

"I don't have to explain myself to you Weasley!" He didn't deserve to be called by his first name! "You two always control my life and I can't take it anymore! I need to get away from you two since I never get a chance to do what I want. I wish I was in some other house! Even Slytherin would be better since I wouldn't have to put up with you two. It would make me a lot happier if I could go somewhere else. Infact, I'm going to sit in another compartment and don't come looking for me!" I snapped and then left with my things. I knew who I was going to see... Draco Malfoy...

Draco's P.O.V

"What is Parkinson doing here? I told you to keep her out, not let her in!" I could have killed Crabbe and Goyle.

"Oh Drakey! I've missed you so much!" Parkinson attached herself to my arm and hugged me. "I wish I could have stayed with you more this year! I feel so horrible without you, I need you in my life!" Warning: Too clingy!

"Get off me Parkinson... And stop calling me Drakey. You will call me Malfoy and stop being so clingy with me!" I snapped and her and shook her off my arm. I managed to sit down and she sat right next to me.

"Oh, but I thought you liked being called Drakey! Anyway, you don't have to deny our love for each other anymore. We can be together now and no one can get in the way of us!" I heard Crabbe and Goyle laughing so I shot  them a glare and they shut up. "Drakey! Please give me attention, I love you! You are my Drakey-Boo!" Oh my Merlin I wish she would just go away and never call me Drakey-Boo again!

"Get out Parkinson!" I shouted at her and picked her up. "You're going to go sit somewhere else and never call me Drakey-Boo again! Goodbye!" I threw her out of the compartment and shut the door. She looked at me like she was going to cry and then stormed off. Thank Merlin that that was over! Suddenly someone else burst into the compartment and I was happy with who it was.

Hermione's P.O.V

"Why is Pansy Parkinson running around screaming about her 'Drakey-Boo' abandoning her?" I asked Draco this as I threw my stuff on the floor of Draco's compartment. He picked it up and put it in the over head luggage compartments. I sat down on the seat and he sat next to me, resting his head on the window.

"Well, Crabbe and Goyle are incapable of keeping annoying Slytherin's out of here. Parkinson is in love with me or something and she keeps calling me Drakey-Boo. I told her to get out and she's over reacting. Anyway, what are you doing here?" Draco was so sweet now. I can remember a time when he wasn't caring enough to continue a conversation with me.

"Well, Weasley and Potter have been giving me a hard time because I stopped Potter from hitting you. I know you probably think it's weird that I'm calling them by their surnames but they don't deserve to be called by their first names." I could feel myself begin to cry and Draco pulled me towards him. I didn't know what had got into him but I wasn't one to complain. I had loved him for a while so I felt quite lucky.

"Look, no matter what them two do, just remember that you can come and find me and I'll sort them out. Well, if I'm busy then I'll send Crabbe and Goyle, but at least the thought would be there."

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