School. We are forced to go there 8 hours a day from a young age. We sit there and adults yell at us useless facts. I don't need to know all the elements of the periodic table to get a job unless I'm a scientist. So why do they bombard us with stuff we just forget after we take the test. I forget most of it by the next year because its so useless. Some of it is useful but only like 10%. And then you can't talk and they serve garbage food. I pack my lunch so I don't have to eat probably stuff from the trash can. I almost threw up just smelling it. And they force Their views of the world on you(This is very rare except in high school and college). My science teacher is an atheist, vegan, anorexic, liberal and to an extent enforces those on us. She is also very lazy and enters grades once every month and at the end of a quarter. She also teaches us global warming is real when it isn't. Some of them go either too fast or too slow, except for my social studies teacher because he is actually good at what he does. The government also makes them teach us some stuff a different way. I heard that 3rd graders can't just memorize multiplication facts to 12. They have to EXPLAIN why. I don't even know how I'd do that. In 5th grade I had do do a question involving some new inefficient way too do long division. Why can't they just teach us useful life skills instead of useless facts?