Chapter 15: Lily

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Chapter 15: Lily

A bright light pierced through my eyelids. It was different than before's constant, harsh whiteness. I could feel its caressing warmth covering me like a blanket. A soft breeze played with a few strands of my hair. The clean scent of young greens, wet soil and spring rain tickled my nose. I cracked open my eyes and was blinded by the brilliant light. Something warm burn down my cheeks.

I thought it was blood. My blood. I've lost so much of it already so why not from my eyes. Would this be my final torture to have my eyes seared out of my skull, to have my sight be replaced entirely with whiteness. It had to be as the light hurt so much. So much. So slowly, the painful white started to shift, turning into others. It started with a vibrant red brown seeping from the center creeping outwards.

White turns to brown,

Brown turns to green,

And Green turns to the rainbows of Spring.

As my eyes finally adjusted, the sun shone on a world full of new color. New for the end of winter. New for these starved eyes of mine. Insanely vibrant green grass, creamy-pink, purple and golden yellow flowers, and a bright blue sky spreading endlessly. My drawings did not do the world justice. I had finally died and gone to heaven. Finally.

I slowly, weakly turned in my nest of grass, taking in all the beauty of heaven. The blinding sunlight pushed tears from my eyes. My lips moved in an unfamiliar way. That is until I caught sight of a dark figure. Its presence marred the lovely scene, stopping my dead breath. I felt my face twist. I was not in heaven but in Hades. I knew it for sure as the dark figure became clear. It was Him, the God of Death, watching me from under the shadow of that cursed building. Just perfect. Though Hades was far nicer looking then I thought it would be.

No point in brooding over it. I am already dead. What is left to worry over? I might as well enjoy this rare gift even if I am just a spirit. I told myself, turning my gaze away from that pale shadow haunting my spirit with amethyst eyes. I wished I could creep into some shadow, getting out of the blinding light, but I'm would not dine to share the shade with him. I could suffer the light for now. It was blissfully warm. So long I have not felt its warmth. When I close my eyes, the light wasn't so bad.

Even if I was dead -I was pretty sure I was for why else would I be in this beautiful place- it did not mean I wanted to be in his presence. If I was dead, didn't that mean he couldn't hold me anymore? Let's test it. I decided, curling my legs underneath me.

I tried to stand, but it was like a boulder was strapped to my shoulder and my knees couldn't take the weight. Strangely, my whole body was heavy. Finally, I force myself to my shaking feet. My legs were formless noodles, but they were underneath me holding me up in some way. The light was too hot now as the simple effort left me with sweat running down my back, falling from my face like tears. The collar of the dress I didn't remember putting on or ever laying eyes on sopped up the moisture adding more weight to my shoulders. It was too warm.

I tried to straighten to walk away with at least the dignity of a straight back, but it wasn't meant to be. The effort left the world spinning. The light dimmed and darkened as dark spots danced before my eyes. After a moment of panting, my vision cleared again. I was still standing but precariously.

Is death really so disorientating? It didn't matter. I wanted to reach the forest's shade. I was determined to. I will. Move foot! I shuffled one leaden foot forward an inch. Again. The other I managed to move a bit more. The effort of those two little steps left me stopping for a panting, swaying moment. Again feet! I will not give up! I told myself, commanded it, but feet stayed planted. Move! I will not give up, but I can pause for a short breather.

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