Chapter 24: Thanatos

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Chapter 24: Thanatos

Damned cat. Yowling through the night as if the storm wasn't bad enough. Gods need sleep as well. If she was not going to be patient, then she going to have to wait some more. I grumbled as I took my time in climbing the stairs with a tray of food in hand. The customary bowl of warmed milk was nowhere to be seen. Wait Silver will.

Eventually, I reached the top landing. Her door stood shut and silent. The lock intact. Would she still be there? Did she find some way out? Was She still there? I asked myself, hesitating on the stoop hand on the knob as I do every morning.


How can Lily stand such a noise? What was that cat doing, screaming at the top of her lungs? With a quick twist, the door opened and I walked in.

My next step fell on a horror. My previous irritation was completely forgotten. There before me on the floor lay Lily in a shallow puddle of water, unconscious. The french doors were flung wide open. Mist and drizzle dewing on her skin.

"Lily?" She didn't stir. No!

Silver stood before her with her front paws on Lily's face, licking her between yowls, trying desperately to wake Lily, trying to call someone to help, calling to me and like a fool I had dawdled in coming up. The scene to the cat must have been too familiar if she had any memory of her queen.

"No, no, no! Lily!" I heard myself cry out. The clatter of the fallen tray was barely noticed. Lily's skin was ice to the touch. Her breath, shallow. Her color a deathly grey I knew well. Death wasn't black it was pale, pale grey. I should know.

"Lily, Lily! Please wake up, Lily!" My voice rang harshly in my own ears as I begged. Not even I could stop her soul leaving her body if it chose to. And it was trying. I could feel her life leeching away with each cold wind's breath. Her light was a dim ember! She didn't even react to my voice and touch. She always did. "Lily!!!"


With a flash of light, that arrogant voice showed up. "You called. Really Thanatos, I'm hurt it's been too long."

"Not now Apollo. Save her." My voice cracked with worry. My hands hovered over her form

"Oh dear. Quickly close those doors." Apollo snapped Lily into some dry clothes. "You know this is becoming all too familiar." With another snap, she was in front of a suddenly roaring fire by the hearth "Thanatos, come here and hold her."

"Alright-Wait. What? Why do I need to hold her?" I squeaked out as Apollo placed her in my arms. Her burning, raging eyes flashing in my mind. My panic My panic simmered down a couple of notches, but not by much as the grey hue in her cheeks persisted. It no longer hampered all other thought but her immediate safety as I feared for my own.

"She needs to be warmed. The fire can only do so much. Lily needs something more... constant, closer. Ergo, body heat." Apollo explained briskly. Not a drop of humor colored his voice as he put her into my arms. "Skin to skin would be more effective, but"

She was so cold a shutter ran down my spine. Ice crept into my bones. Her pulse was barely a flutter under hand and far too slow. He wrapped us tightly in the thick coverlet striped from the bed. Why? Why did she fall asleep there of all places? Why would you act so foolish? What was it she called it. Fairy feathered.

"I'm Death. Death isn't warm."

"Really, I've heard tell that its warm and gentle like a hug. Do you go around hugging souls out of their bodies?" Apollo teased tucking the blankets even closer.

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