Chapter 7

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I silently watch out the window as multiple buildings speed by.

"Have you ever... uh, met Liam?" He asks quietly, breaking the silence.

"Anything to make him act like that? You know like a tweet or something?" His flicker back and forth between me and the road.

"I don't have a Twitter." I state matter-of-factly. "I only go on my mum's when she isn't home. I never tweet anything though." I say honestly.

"So where are we going?" I ask, trying to lighten the mood. A smile grows onto his lips.

"The mall," He beams. "I'm going to be your BFF today." He sounds sincerely excited, despite his fake girly tone.

His enthusiasm makes me laugh as he carefully pulls into a parking space.

"First things first." He says, taking my hand. He must have seen the confusion on my face because he continues quickly.

"I don't want to lose you in the crowd." He smiles down at me, quite evily I may add.

"What crowd?" I question, still confused. He chuckles as he leads us to the revolving door.

"THAT'S HARRY STYLES!!" A girls scream made me wince before we were even all the way through the door. In a matter of seconds hundreds of screaming teenage girls are running at us, and panic started to take over me. But Harry seemed like he knew what to do, He's obviously done it all before.

"That crowd." He shouts over the screaming voices, grinning wide. He squeezes my hand and pulls me forwards.

"Run!" He laughs before starting to drag me. It takes me a few seconds to get my footing so i don't fall flat in my face. We take off running through the mall, laughing hysterically. We round multiple  corners until he pulls me behind a trash can. We crouch down and giggle quietly as we watch the clueless  screaming fans run past our garbage can of a shield.

My hand is warpped in his once again as he drags me into the nearest store. Harry snatches two pairs of sunglasses and two wigs at random off of the shelf. Hr doesn't slow down to pay; just throws a wad of cash onto the counter. The next thing I know he's pulled me into the men's restroom.

"I'm not supposed to be in here," I say quietly, shuddering.

"In here." He says, pulling me into the handicapped stall and locking it.

He hands me a curly brown wig, yellow sunglasses and a neon pink beanie that I don't remember seeung him take. As I'm studying my accessories, he slides on a John Travolta looking wig, wide rimmed sunglasses, and a green beanie.

We take one look at eachother and burst into laughter. Then the door opens immediately we shut up. Once we hear a moment of silence, we quietly crack the stall door just enough to see, thinking the man had left. I shove my face in the tiny gap, only to be met by a middle-aged man with a bewildered look on his face.

"Oh, heyyy." I say smoothly, sauntering out of the stall.

"What Up." Harry awkwardly waves at him, following behind me. I take the confusion on the man's face as the time to escape, so I bolt out of the restroom with Harry close behind. Harry couldn't contain himself as he throws his head back in laughter. 

"Well that was...Interesting." I barely manage through my giggles.

"Now," he tries to contain himself. "Shopping."

"Where to first?"

"Here," He grins, leading me to Bath and Body Works.

"Lotion, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and anything else you want." He says, counting the list off on his fingers.

He helps me pick out different shower gels, and a toothbrush. Of course he makes me buy one that sings 'What Makes You Beautiful' when being used.

"How about this one?" I ask, picking up Green Apple scented lotion.

"I like this one," Harry ventures , holding orange scented lotion.

"How about we mix them together?" I say  micheviously.

"Huh?" he mutters, obviously confused. Before he can say anything, I take the two bottles in my hands and squirt a heaping pile of both onto his hands, before taking them and clapping them together so that lotion went everywhere. Multiple people turned at the noise, i including the cashier. I smile at him sweetly before grabbing a strawberry one and walking to the counter to pay. The horrified expression in his face when he looks around at the mess is absolutely priceless.


Twelve pairs of shoes, Twenty-four Shirts, Seven Tank tops, Eight pairs of jeans, five skirts, thirteen dresses, endless heaps of jewlery, makeup and a few extra things later, or shopping spree comes to an end.

"You didnt have to buy me a whole new wardrobe," I mumble, both of us lugging an overwhelming amount of bags to his car.

"Did too. And I dont regret any of it." He laughs.

The ride home was quiet, the music in the background the only noise in the car. It wasn't an akward silence, in fact it was much needed. I couldn't fathom how I'd gotten to where I am now, only 24 hours ago i was homeless and depressed.

The first thing I see clibimg out of the car is Liam's face in the window, under the curtain, watching us.

When he sees me notice him, he quickly duckes back under, leaving the curtain shaking from the sudden movement.

"He can't hurt you. I won't let him." I hear Harry behind me. I nod silently  before following him to the trunk to help get the bags. I had eight in one hand and six in the other, while Harry had the other half. I had to chuckle lightly at him.

Harry struggled to unlock the door,and as soon as we got inside,Zayn stands up and rushed over to us.

"Someone went shopping." He laughs at the outrageous amount of bags.

Zayn takes a few bags and helps lug everything upstairs.

"Here," He says, setting everything  down. "Everything that I don't keep on the tour bus fits into this dresser," hr points across the room to a white, polished dresser. "You can have the walk-in closet "

"Really? Thank you!" I gave him a quick hug before looking over all of the bags. Where do I even start?

"I'm going to figure things out downstairs with Liam and Zayn. Call if you need me." With that, Harry closes the door behind him and I can hear his footsteps walking down the stairs.

This may take a while.



Zayn is sitting on the couch, staring at his hands in his lap by the time I reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Where is he." I demand.

Zayn sheepishly points up, hinting  upstairs.

A scream sounds through the entire house, making my hair stand in end. There's only one person who that could have been. Not wanting to waste any time, I instantly bolt up the stairs. I burst into my room, to see Katie huddled in the corner,  Liam towering over her. Fear fills her blue eyes.

"WHAT IN HELLS NAME DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Zayn bellowed from behind me. Liam turns to face us, before speed walking towards us and shoving past, almost knocking Zayn over. I rush over to where Katie had her head in her hands, sobbing.

"Katie, are you alright?" She shook her head.

"What happened?" Zayn tried. Her sobs became louder and I could practically hear the pain in them. I turn to Zayn, who had pure anger and disgust in his eyes.

Fists clenched, I'm sure there was steem coming from my ears as i reached Liam.

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