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We know love by the example that is set for us by our parents is the biggest lie we tell.
More so, is the idea that we love the same as we see through this given example. My mother "loves" my father but is not "in love" with him. I be damned if that is the example I live my life by.
I refuse to allow the person who should be helping to lift me to the stars, be the weight pushing me to the depths of the ocean.
I will create my own definition of love. I will not love from pity or remorse or guilt. I will be selfish with my love. I will give it to those who are hungry for it, who devour every ounce, begging for more. My love is not a snack, it is a six course meal that always allows for seconds.
I will only accept a love that absorbs me, that affects every once of my being. I will not live off of the highs that are far and few between, love will not be my drug, it will be my oxygen tank when I am old and no longer able to breathe on my own.
And there are just aren't enough words in the English dictionary to convince me that whatever bond my parents share is love.

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